Cape Times




1 Serve as evidence,

watching cricket? (6)

4 Exchanging dinars

is exhausting (6)

8 Unusually clean old

weapon (5)

9 Sweet funny

bachelors (3,4)

10 Be environmen­tally

friendly, though futile (7)

11 Nothing is about in outer limits of Kilmarnock but a booth (5)

12 Closely integrated with

drunk fool, we hear (5-4)

17 Horse going round wide

tree (5)

19 Ridicule the French politician

having nothing on (7)

21 Penny lifted and

commended (7)

22 Model with lofty part

of leg (5)

23 Painter with bowl for

vegetable (6)

24 He follows one drink with

another (6)


1 Burrowing Australian

marsupial (6)

4 Small tower (6)

8 Clock-like device (5)

9 Billie ___, US jazz

singer (7)

10 Arrange again (7)

11 Painted circus fool (5)

12 Rash (3-6)

17 Supermarke­t

walkway (5)

19 Large edible flatfish (7)

21 Array of leaves (7)

22 Scout company (5)

23 Perforate (6)

24 Japanese entertainm­ent

girl (6)


1 Using maximum effort, gets everyone dismissed (3-3)

2 Beat City fellow touching

Circle Line? (7)

3 Scandinavi­an vegetable (5)

5 Poor Mike hurried round

dish (7)

6 Partly maim a gorgeous

adult insect (5)

7 Piles large bags around

tin-opener (6)

9 Emigrated as a result

of stirring Ed’s letter (9)

13 Creation of hereditary

units is to follow (7)

14 Hot regions, right in

talking points (7)

15 In favour of exercises

before runs, right? (6)

16 Big cat removing head

part of flower (6)

18 Part of south-east England

to flourish, say (5)

20 Marriage contest (5)


1 Diluted (6)

2 Enormous (7)

3 Unpleasant­ly pungent (5)

5 Loosened (a corset) (7)

6 Cowboy horse-riding

show (5)

7 Annoying (6)

9 Curved metal for

an animal’s foot (9)

13 End of a foot digit (7)

14 Of questionab­le

character (7)

15 Boss (6)

16 Ideal land (6)

18 Cold dish of vegetables (5)

20 Metric petrol unit (5)

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