Cape Times




1 Dowdy swimmer swallows

what’s left (8)

6 Small county where

people go to retire? (4)

8 Broadcast kudos leads

to universal puzzle (6)

9 I will follow the rascal

with the prawns (6)

10 Postpone gripping

conclusion for player (8)

13 Ribbon on small tree (4)

14 Dog-end Edward

cut short (9)

17 Rope-maker parking on

border (4)

18 Presented girl with building

already erected (6,2)

19 New demon about

to swallow river (6)

21 Like a seabird behind

a ship (6)

23 Printing recorrecti­on spotted in haste, thankfully (4)

24 Knock over animal, then

sleep (8)


1 Jut (8)

6 Fetches (4)

8 Spicy Italian sausage (6)

9 Time ahead of now (6)

10 Wrote music (8)

13 Forced (4)

14 Rummaging (9)

17 Another term for the

Abominable Snowman (4)

18 Informal name for a formal

neckwear item (5,3)

19 Quickly become

skilful at (4,2)

21 Suffering,

impoverish­ed (2,4)

23 Slothfully (4)

24 Tweak (4-4)


2 Way round first communicat­ions device (6)

3 Low heathland appears

endless (3)

4 Overwhelme­d when one religious woman had romantic meeting (9)

5 Part of North Island

belongs to him (3)

6 Louder English

supporter (9)

7 Warehouse unfinished,

almost set to topple (6)

11 Tackle crack soldiers in

heart of ghetto (9)

12 Check booth and put

back in place (9)

15 Arrange again in

Blackpool, for example (6)

16 Verbal quantities

of rock (6)

20 Arrest when prohibitio­n

is about (3)

22 A little bit of immature

frog (3)


2 Motive (6)

3 Earl Grey, for example (3)

4 Lacking cover against

loss (9)

5 Imp (3)

6 Football match

proceeds (4,5)

7 Diatribe (6)

11 On the dot (9)

12 CID’s aim (9)

15 Proclaim (6)

16 Elect to power (4,2)

20 Lout (3)

22 ___ bad, adequate (3)

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