Cape Times

Another weekend of relentless ‘urban terror’


IN ANOTHER bloody weekend in Cape Town, three people were shot and killed and thirteen others injured in two separate incidents.

Police are yet to make any arrests after a mass shooting in Hanover Park on Saturday where seven teenagers between the ages of 14 and 18 were shot.

The victims were reportedly attending a birthday party when the gun-wielding perpetrato­rs shot at them.

In a separate incident, police have launched a manhunt for shooters in Hout Bay after three people were killed and six others injured in Imizamo Yethu on Friday night.

Gunmen had opened fire at the occupants of three spaza shops.

Police spokespers­on, Joseph Swartbooi, said the Hanover Park shooting is under investigat­ion.

“Philippi police were busy with crime combatting activities in Hanover Park on Saturday (evening) at around 9pm when they heard the sound of gunshots. The members responded and found seven victims who sustained gunshot wounds.

“According to reports a group of young people were together in Galilee Walk when three unknown men fired numerous gun shots, injuring seven victims between the ages of 14 and 18. The victims were transporte­d to a nearby hospital for medical treatment. The unknown gunmen fled and are yet to be arrested,” said Swartbooi.

Philippi police are investigat­ing seven counts of attempted murder.

Police spokespers­on Andre Traut, said the manhunt for the Hout Bay shooters is underway.

“Provincial Serious and Violent Crime detectives are pursuing leads in a bid to apprehend the suspects who are responsibl­e for the death of three adult foreign national males and the attempt to kill another six foreign national males.

“At around 7.30pm unknown gunmen opened fire at the occupants of three spaza shops in Molokwane Street in Imizamo Yethu. Three adult males did not survive the onslaught on their lives while six others were admitted to hospital with serious gunshot wounds.

“The motive for the multiple murder and attempted murders is now the subject of an investigat­ion by the police,” said Traut.

Cape Flats Community Safety Forum chairperso­n, Abie Isaacs condemned the incidents, saying they believed several people had become victims of the continuous terror of gang violence in Hanover Park.

“We call on SAPS to ensure suspects are arrested and that police have a plan in dealing with this urban terror. We further call on the intelligen­ce capacity to step up and ensure communitie­s feel safer.

“We also call on the minister of police to set up a special probe into shootings that have become the norm in and around the Cape Flats.”

Community Safety MEC Anroux Marais called on the public to come forward with informatio­n to assist SAPS in their investigat­ion.

“This is a horrific incident. The injured and their loved ones are in my thoughts. The seven teenagers sustained gunshot wounds in Hanover Park on Saturday night and were taken to hospital. I call on the public to assist the police in this investigat­ion. Together we can beat crime in the Western Cape,” said Marais.

Anyone with informatio­n on the incidents can anonymousl­y contact Crime Stop on 0860010111, or SMS Crime Line on 32211.

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