Cape Times

Overcoming obstacles and relishing opportunit­ies

- The Mountain Is You is an | REHANA RUTTI


I RECENTLY finished reading

Brianna Wiest's

The Mountain Is

You, and as someone who often gets in my own way, I found her insights incredibly relevant and comforting. Her clear, thoughtful advice offers a new way to deal with personal challenges.

Wiest, known for her work on emotional intelligen­ce, uses the metaphor of a mountain to describe the hurdles we face. She explains that our struggles are like mountains we need to climb, representi­ng our internal battles and opportunit­ies for growth.

This made me see my own problems differentl­y.

One quote that really stood out was, “Happiness is not something you can chase. It is something you have to allow.” This reminded me that happiness comes from within, not from chasing external things.

The book is full of practical advice. She says, “transforma­tion often comes from overcoming adversity and challengin­g limiting beliefs.” This helped me see that my struggles aren't just setbacks; they're chances to grow.

Wiest also emphasises taking responsibi­lity for our actions. Her statement, “your new life is going to cost you your old one,” really resonated with me. This realisatio­n helped me understand that transforma­tion means sacrifice and courage.

What I loved most about “The Mountain Is You” is Wiest's compassion­ate approach. She doesn't avoid the tough parts of personal growth but talks about them in a way that inspires confidence.

Overall, inspiring and practical guide.

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