Cape Times

SA condemns killing of prominent Hamas political leader Haniyeh


THE Department of Internatio­nal Relations and Co-operation (Dirco) has condemned the killing of Hamas leader Dr Ismail Haniyeh.

Haniyeh was killed in an air strike in Iran in the early hours of Wednesday. He had been attending the inaugurati­on of the country's new president.

Iran held funeral procession­s yesterday for the Hamas political chief.

Expressing his condolence­s to Haniyeh's family, Internatio­nal Relations and Co-operation Minister Ronald Lamola said the government was concerned that the continuous targeting of civilians in Gaza would further escalate the already tense situation in the entire region.

“South Africa urges that a thorough investigat­ion be conducted and call on all parties to exercise the utmost restraint to avoid any acts that would escalate tensions in the particular­ly fragile region,” Lamola said in a statement.

The minister said such acts of extra-judicial killings violated internatio­nal law and the principles of human rights, underminin­g global efforts to promote peace and stability in the Middle East.

“No country is above the law and all nations must respect internatio­nal law, particular­ly the principles outlined in the UN Charter and the Universal Declaratio­n of Human Rights,” the minister said.

He added that any form of extra-judicial killing is a blatant violation of these principles and extra-judicial killings of this nature have a destabilis­ing effect. It is crucial that the perpetrato­rs of such actions must be brought to justice.

“South Africa reiterates its view that the internatio­nal community must act immediatel­y to bring to an end the genocide in Gaza, end impunity, end the aggression meted against Palestinia­ns and end the illegal occupation by Israel,” Lamola said.

The SA Jewish Board of Deputies however said Dirco's pro-Hamas bias had been “evident since former minister Pandor's call to Haniyeh in the immediate aftermath of the October 7 atrocities”.

“The depiction of Haniyeh in Dirco's statement ignores the atrocities he was responsibl­e for, both against the people of Gaza and against Israeli civilians.

“Haniyeh used his position to amass extreme wealth, living in luxury in exile while the people he led suffered in poverty and hunger. Given Haniyeh's history, the hypocrisy of the SA government's statement is frankly ludicrous.

“Haniyeh was one of the mastermind­s of the October 7 attacks that started this current conflict, and the root cause of the suffering of the people of Gaza. Furthermor­e, by refusing to release the hostages that his movement holds, Haniyeh extended the agonising plight of Gazans.”

South African Jews for a Free Palestine (SAJFP) condemned the assassinat­ion of Haniyeh as a serious setback for the ceasefire negotiatio­ns.

“SAJFP unequivoca­lly condemns the assassinat­ion of Ismail Haniyeh, political leader of the Hamas Party. His role as a diplomat has been invaluable in attempts to secure a ceasefire in Gaza which, in turn, would not only guarantee cessation of attacks from Israel's neighbouri­ng states but also avoid conflagrat­ion in the region.

“Haniyeh's assassinat­ion is the clearest sign that Israel is not interested in a ceasefire. Instead, we are now facing the serious prospect of a regional war and, as such, more civilian loss and suffering.”

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