Cape Times

Altron share price rises sharply after profit improvemen­t continued into first half


ALTRON increased 6.5% yesterday on the JSE after it said headline earnings a share would be at least 20% higher than in the six months to August 31, 2023, as momentum from last year’s profit improvemen­ts continued.

The share traded at R17.87 yesterday afternoon.

The price has recovered well from the R7.65 it was trading at a year ago. At the last year-end to February 29, 2024, an improvemen­t in the second half results was reported after profit improvemen­t strategies were implemente­d.

Yesterday the group said in a trading statement that “this positive momentum has continued into the 2025 financial year, leading to a stronger year-to-date performanc­e in comparison to the comparativ­e period, which was negatively impacted by provisions and impairment­s


The group’s Own Platforms segment had delivered a strong yearto-date performanc­e with Altron

FinTech, Altron HealthTech and Netstar growing revenue, with notable growth also in earnings before interest, tax, depreciati­on and amortisati­on (Ebitda) and operating profit.

In the IT Services segment, the Altron Digital business saw year-todate revenue growth in line with the market, as early benefits of the new sales operating model started taking effect.

Ebitda and operating profit were expected to be softer, due to nonrecurri­ng project expenses relating to historic contracts which had been closed and some project delays.

Altron Security’s performanc­e benefited from the corrective actions taken in last year’s second half, with the expectatio­n of modest growth in Ebitda and operating profit.

Altron Arrow planned to maintain its operating profit margin but revenue was anticipate­d to be softer due to the cyclical global slowdown in electrical component distributi­on.

In the group’s discontinu­ed businesses segment, in the comparativ­e period, both Altron Document Solutions and Altron Nexus were restructur­ed and the management teams strengthen­ed.

Profit improvemen­t strategies were implemente­d to improve cash flow and return these businesses to profitabil­ity. Active disposal processes were run for both businesses.

Offers received for Altron Document Solutions were below the board’s assessment of value. As a result, the board decided to retain Altron Document Solutions in the group.

“Despite historical­ly being heldfor-sale, Altron Document Solutions remains an attractive business. It is supported by a robust customer base and long-term contracts that generate sizeable annuity revenue, with strong support from its partner, Xerox Limited,” the group said.

Altron Document Solutions’ profit improvemen­t strategy had continued into the 2025 financial year, resulting in year-to-date growth in revenue, Ebitda and operating profit.

 ?? ?? ALTRON says its headline earnings a share will be at least 20% higher than in the six months to August 31, 2023.
ALTRON says its headline earnings a share will be at least 20% higher than in the six months to August 31, 2023.

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