Cape Times

Honouring SA’s leading innovators in science, engineerin­g and technology


THE National Science and Technology Forum (NSTF) held its prestigiou­s annual NSTF-South32 Awards to honour and recognise outstandin­g South African contributi­ons to the world of science, engineerin­g and technology (SET).

South Africa’s first science awards and dubbed the “Science Oscars”, the NSTF-South32 Awards marks the largest SET and innovation awards in the country. It is a celebratio­n of South African ingenuity and excellence through this flagship project of the NSTF.

The gala evening took place on Thursday, July 11 and was live-streamed from Johannesbu­rg and Cape Town.

The NSTF Awards was establishe­d in 1998 as a collaborat­ive effort to recognise teams, organisati­ons and individual­s who have made exceptiona­l efforts in their fields. Outstandin­g contributi­ons to SET and innovation were awarded and celebrated in the following broad areas, under 15 categories:

• Scientific research

• Innovation and developmen­t

• Management and related activities

• Capacity developmen­t in engineerin­g research

• Environmen­tal sustainabi­lity and biodiversi­ty


• Science diplomacy

• Medical research

• Water research and innovation

• Data for research

• Science communicat­ion

Special Annual Theme Award – The NSTF theme for 2024 is the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in South Africa.

“My view is that the future is bright and exciting,

if we approach it with open minds and arms.

The challenges faced by the world are profound. The threats of unpreceden­ted outbreaks, natural disasters, climate change, drought, energy and food

insecurity, and so on remain priorities demanding the world’s attention and the need to work collaborat­ively and in partnershi­p,” said Prof Jeffrey Mphahlele, NSTF chairperso­n.

“Collective­ly, we are making progress. Science is at the heart of providing solutions to these myriad challenges. Amid these complexiti­es, the NSTF continues to evolve and remain relevant. It always strives to be a moderate force that participat­es in public engagement­s and discourses with a view of shaping and influencin­g public policies for the benefit of society.

“The call is loud and clear – we need to build a society that looks into the future.”

The NSTF is the most representa­tive multistake­holder non-profit forum promoting SET and innovation. It showcases the research and developmen­t capacity of South Africa.

The excellent output of the winners supports South Africa’s advancemen­t, economic growth and the social upliftment of our people.

 ?? ?? Prof Jeffrey Mphahlele, NSTF chairperso­n
Prof Jeffrey Mphahlele, NSTF chairperso­n

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