Cape Times

Prof Gobodo-Madikezela wins prestigiou­s 2024 Templeton Prize


THE 2024 Templeton Prize has been awarded to Professor Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela, for her contributi­ons to scholarshi­p and advancing knowledge in the field of forgivenes­s and processes of repair in the aftermath of trauma violence.

She is the South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) Chair for Violent Histories and Historical

Trauma and Founding Director of the Centre for the Study of the Afterlife of Violence and the Reparative Quest (AVReQ) at Stellenbos­ch University.

The Templeton Prize is awarded annually and honours individual­s whose work draws from the scholarly discipline­s to explore the deepest questions about humanity and the universe.

Gobodo-Madikizela has pledged to donate a total of R8 million to Stellenbos­ch University.

In a statement, the Templeton Prize said about Gobodo-Madikizela: “Her career as a scholar and a public figure is distinguis­hed by her effort to repair ruptures created by past violence and to build a path toward healing and restoratio­n in an ongoing process she calls 'the reparative quest'”.

Gobodo-Madikizela said she felt a deep sense of gratitude at receiving the prize. She referred to it as a “rare gift" that offers an opportunit­y to fund new research projects at AVReQ, especially on questions of violent histories and repair.

“I am interested in how violent histories so often play out transgener­ationally in new forms, and on deepening our understand­ing of complex processes of repair.

“I have always pursued new avenues of inquiry, seeking ways of contributi­ng to new frontiers of knowledge. I am hoping that as a team we will continue to rise to this critical intellectu­al challenge.”

 ?? ?? PROFESSOR Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela.
PROFESSOR Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela.

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