Cape Times

Maimane’s 3 seats give Bosa the voice it needs


THE leader of Build One South Africa (Bosa), Mmusi Maimane, has confirmed that he and two other leaders of the party, Nobuntu Hlazo-Webster and Ayanda Allie, are headed to the National Assembly and the Gauteng Legislatur­e, respective­ly.

This comes after the party managed to get two seats in the National Assembly and one seat in the Gauteng Provincial Legislatur­e with more than 194 000 votes, including 65 912 in the national ballot, making it the 12th most supported party in the elections.

Announcing the decision, Maimane thanked the two women leaders for their contributi­on to the party’s success at the polls, following months of campaignin­g and strategisi­ng.

“Today, Bosa can confirm that the party received over 194 000 votes from diverse communitie­s across the country,” Maimane said.

The party will have two seats in the National Assembly and one seat in the Gauteng Legislatur­e.

Maimane added that with these three seats, Bosa would be represente­d as legislator­s, which is an indication that its voice needs to be heard as the party carries the mandate of all who entrusted them with their votes.

“This indicates Bosa has appeal in all communitie­s and across all indicators – young and old, rich and poor, black, white, Indian and coloured,” he said in a statement on Tuesday.

Allie reacted to her impending deployment, saying: “Looking forward to working with you to serve the people of South Africa. What a privilege and honour it is to be led by you.

“Mmusi Maimane and Nobuntu Hlazo-Webster. Thank you for seeing in me what I did not see in myself and creating an enabling environmen­t for me to find my voice. I still have a lot of learning to do but with your support and that of South Africa, I will grow.”

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