Cape Times

Morocco's farming revolution: Defying drought with science


IN THE HEART of sun-soaked Morocco, scientists are cultivatin­g a future where tough crops defy a relentless drought, now in its sixth year.

“Look at these beautiful ears of wheat,” said Wuletaw Tadesse Degu, the head of wheat breeding at the Internatio­nal Center for Agricultur­al Research in Dry Areas (Icarda).

“The difference in quality between our field and others is striking,” he said, pointing towards a lush expanse in Marchouch, south of Rabat, that stood in stark contrast to the barren lands elsewhere.

By 2040, Morocco is poised to face “extremely high” water stress, a dire prediction from the World Resources Institute, a non-profit research organisati­on. Figures from the North African country's central bank paint a grim picture.

Cultivated areas across the kingdom are expected to shrink to 2.5 million hectares in 2024, compared with 3.7 million last year, with cereal yields more than halving to 25 million quintals (2.5 million tons) over the same period.

“It has become essential to use resilient seeds and to employ them as quickly as possible,” said Tadesse, whose centre recently inaugurate­d a plant gene bank.

Adapted genotypes

Tadesse's mission is to develop genotypes that not only withstand drought and heat, but also yield abundantly.

Last year, while the nation struggled, Marchouch achieved a yield of four tonnes per hectare with just 200 millimetre­s of rainfall.

Controlled irrigation and strategic sowing techniques are behind this agricultur­al revolution.

Looking to maximise production, farmers are experiment­ing with planting times and judicious irrigation.

Even a scant 10 millimetre­s of water, carefully applied, transforme­d barren soil into thriving fields.

Barley, too, has seen a resurgence, with yields jumping from 1.5 to two tons per hectare last year, thanks to climate-smart genotypes, said Miguel Sanchez Garcia, a barley specialist at Icarda.

The centre, which operates in 17 countries in Africa and Asia, says it has developed 30 “elite lines” of grain.

Most of them are produced in Morocco by breeding genotypes of wild wheat with different ancestors, said Icarda genetics researcher Ahmed Amri.

’Slow system’

Moroccan agricultur­al authoritie­s approved six new wheat and barley varieties last year, but bureaucrat­ic hurdles loom large. Approval processes drag on, impeding the timely disseminat­ion of new varieties to farmers, researcher­s at the centre said, resulting in a five-year journey from approval to market-ready seeds.

“The certificat­ion system takes too long and should be revised quickly,” said Moha Ferrahi, head of genetic resources conservati­on and improvemen­t at the National Institute of Agricultur­al Research.

Ferrahi also pointed to the lack of engagement from private companies and farmers who opt for “foreign seeds to have a quicker return on investment while these seeds are not adapted to the climate of Morocco”.

 ?? | AFP ?? A FARMER installs a drip system on a potato field in Berrechid, Morocco’s historical­ly wheat-rich province situated southeast of Casablanca, on February 7, 2024, the sixth consecutiv­e year of drought.
| AFP A FARMER installs a drip system on a potato field in Berrechid, Morocco’s historical­ly wheat-rich province situated southeast of Casablanca, on February 7, 2024, the sixth consecutiv­e year of drought.

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