Cape Times

Bodies may belong to 3 missing tourists


THREE bodies recovered from a clifftop shaft in Mexico’s crime-hit Baja California state are very likely those of two Australian brothers and an American who disappeare­d on a surfing trip, local investigat­ors have said.

The bodies were in an “advanced state of decomposit­ion” when they were hoisted out of a shaft a few steps from the edge of the Pacific Ocean cliff, said state prosecutor Maria Elena Andrade.

But “given their clothing, long hair and specific physical descriptio­ns, we have high probabilit­y” that the bodies are those of the three missing men, she said. Another body found at the site had been there longer and was unconnecte­d to the latest disappeara­nces, officials said.

Andrade said one line of inquiry is whether the deaths resulted from an attempt to steal the tourists’ pickup truck. The vehicle, which had been burnt, was found nearby.

The authoritie­s used a pulley system to extract the mud-covered bodies from the shaft on Friday near the town of Santo Thomas, about 45km southeast of Ensenada, a spot that is difficult to reach but popular with surfers.

The grisly discovery appeared to confirm the worst fears of the families and friends of holidaying Australian brothers Callum and Jake Robinson, and their American friend Jack Carter.

The Australian brothers’ mother Debra Robinson had sounded the alarm on a Facebook page for Baja California tourists several days ago, after they dropped out of contact.

“Reaching out to anyone who has seen my two sons. They have not contacted us since Saturday April 27,” she pleaded.

A missing poster shared on social media said Callum Robinson was 33, his brother Jake 30, and it named their friend as Jack Carter Rhoad, aged 30.

Callum Robinson’s Instagram showed various shots from the trio’s Mexico trip: enjoying beers, lazing in a jacuzzi, eating roadside tacos, looking out at the surf.

Callum had played in the US Premier Lacrosse League, which left a message on its website saying the lacrosse world was “heartbroke­n by the tragic loss” of the trio. “We offer our hearts, support and prayers to the Robinson and Rhoad families,” it said.

Jake Robinson was a doctor in Perth, Australian media said.

Mexican authoritie­s, who have arrested three suspects, were investigat­ing in collaborat­ion with the US FBI and the Australian consulate.

Australia’s foreign ministry had said earlier that it was in regular contact with the Robinson family.

Baja California is known for its inviting beaches and its resorts are popular with US tourists.

It is also one of Mexico’s most violent states because of organised crime groups, although cartel activity doesn’t commonly affect foreign tourists.

Spiralling criminal violence in Mexico has claimed 450 000 lives and led to more than 100 000 disappeara­nces since the end of 2006, when the federal government launched a controvers­ial anti-drug strategy involving the use of military units.

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