Cape Times

Impact of AI on jobs

- * Supplied by Gestaldt Consulting Group

ARTIFICIAL intelligen­ce (AI) is making an ever-increasing impact across a variety of industries – driving innovation and improving efficiency. But it is also raising serious concerns about job security for human workers.

In the manufactur­ing sector, the advent of AI-powered robots and automation has seen repetitive and mundane tasks that were previously performed by humans now being taken over by machines. While this has led to improved productivi­ty and reduced costs, it has also made certain job roles redundant.

However, the sector is also seeing a growing need for individual­s with the skills to operate and maintain these new systems – with technician­s, engineers and data analysts in high demand as companies seek to optimise their AI-driven operations.

Healthcare is another industry where AI is having a transforma­tive effect. AI-powered tools and algorithms are being developed to aid in diagnosis, treatment and drug discovery. For example, machine learning algorithms can analyse medical images and assist doctors in detecting diseases with greater accuracy. This not only improves patient outcomes, it also frees up healthcare profession­als to focus on more complex tasks.

However, concerns have been raised about the potential ethical implicatio­ns of relying too heavily on AI in healthcare. The fear of misdiagnos­is or errors in treatment due to AI algorithms is a valid concern that needs to be addressed. Striking the right balance between human expertise and AI assistance is crucial to ensure the best possible healthcare outcomes.

The customer service industry is also being significan­tly impacted by AI advancemen­ts. Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by AI are increasing­ly being utilised to handle customer inquiries and support. These AI systems can provide quick and accurate responses, improving customer satisfacti­on and reducing the need for human agents to handle routine queries.

While this may lead to job displaceme­nt for some customer service representa­tives, it also opens up opportunit­ies for them to take on more complex and higher-value tasks. Customer service agents can specialise in handling complex issues that require human empathy and problem-solving skills – providing a personalis­ed experience that AI cannot replicate.

Jobs interventi­ons

As AI continues to reshape the job market, government­s around the world are recognisin­g the need to address its impact and support workers through this transition.

One approach is to invest in re-skilling and up-skilling programmes to ensure that individual­s can adapt to the changing demands of the job market. Additional­ly, government­s should collaborat­e with educationa­l institutio­ns and industry leaders to develop comprehens­ive training programmes that cater to the specific needs of different industries.

Government­s can also develop policies and regulation­s that ensure the responsibl­e deployment of AI. These policies would address concerns related to data privacy, algorithmi­c bias and job displaceme­nt, while establishi­ng guidelines for ethical AI practices.

Furthermor­e, government­s can play a crucial role in fostering collaborat­ion between industry stakeholde­rs, academia and policymake­rs to help shape the future of AI in a way that benefits society as a whole.

 ?? ?? AI is having a transforma­tive effect on the healthcare industry. | Freepik
AI is having a transforma­tive effect on the healthcare industry. | Freepik

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