Cape Times

Food production sectors are significan­t contributo­rs to climate change - Agri SA


AGRICULTUR­E South Africa (AgriSA) yesterday said agricultur­e and food production sectors were significan­t contributo­rs to climate change.

The federation of agricultur­al organisati­ons said this came in the form of land use change, the intensive use of water, loss of biodiversi­ty and carbon dioxide emissions.

Agri SA’s Centre of Excellence for Natural Resources, however, said the two sectors also stood to be the most severely affected by the consequenc­es of climate change in the form of more frequent extreme weather events – including drought, fires, extreme heat, storms, and flooding – and pest and disease outbreaks, among others.

“Climate Smart Agricultur­e encompasse­s a range of farming practices by which agricultur­e can both mitigate (ie address the causes of its contributi­on to climate change) and adapt to (ie respond to the effects of climate change),” it said.

According to the South African Weather Services’ Annual State of the Climate of South Africa 2023, this country experience­d a relatively warm year, especially in the central and northern interior.

In the south, however, temperatur­es were near-normal.

“The annual mean temperatur­e anomaly for 2023, based on the data of 20 climate stations, was on average about 0.4 ºC above the average of the reference period (1991 to 2020), making it approximat­ely the 8th hottest year on record since 1951,” states the report. “A warming trend of approximat­ely 0.17 ºC per decade is indicated for the country, over the period 1951 to 2023, statistica­lly significan­t at the 5% level.”

Meanwhile, AgriSA’s Centre of Excellence for Natural Resources said other terms related to CSA included conservati­on agricultur­e, which is aimed at achieving sustainabl­e and profitable agricultur­e.

According to AgriSA, climate change referred to gradual shifts in temperatur­es and weather patterns over a long period of time.

It said climate shifts could be natural, for example, due to changes in the sun’s activity or large volcanic eruptions.

“However, since the industrial revolution in the late 1700s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels in the form of coal, oil and gas and the destructio­n of natural habitats and their ecological systems.”

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