Cape Times

Cooking tips when transition­ing from summer to autumn


WE CANNOT let go of summer, but also, we are so excited for autumn.

With autumn in full force, preparing your kitchen for seasonal changes might seem like a daunting task, but we are here to help.

We have put together the following tips and foods to help make it easier when transition­ing from a summer to an autumn menu.

Start eating seasonally

Truly, incorporat­ing a variety of nutrient-dense foods into your diet is one of the most impactful things you can do for your health.

But I know it can be overwhelmi­ng and confusing in today’s world of conflictin­g advice and diet beliefs.

One of the best ways you can start is just by adding as many seasonal, real, and whole foods into your diet and cooking them when possible.

Autumn is many people’s absolute favourite season for food -- think squash, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, apples, carrots, beets, cruciferou­s veggies, hearty greens, peppers, plums, late stone fruit, etc.

You can use these foods in cosy autumn recipes like chilli, soups, stew, casseroles, baked goods, and amazing drinks.

When it comes to amazing drinks -- you can make iced tea. Iced tea is so much more than a summertime drink.

There is so much to love about iced tea, but you do not have to limit yourself to enjoying it only in the hotter months.

Studies show if you drink tea regularly, you may lower your risk of Alzheimer’s and diabetes, plus have healthier teeth and gums and stronger bones. How?

Tea is rich in a class of antioxidan­ts called flavonoids. Regardless of the variety -- black, green, oolong, white, or herbal -- maximise the power of tea’s flavonoids by drinking it freshly brewed.

Cultivate healthy seasonal fare

Take a healthy spin on comfort food favourites this autumn. You can add a new twist on macaroni and

cheese by replacing pasta with butternut squash.

An all-year favourite food like pasta can be served in many different ways. A classic filled pasta, such as tortellini, offers something with lots of heft that will not weigh your guests down.

Other good choices like ravioli allow you to offer your guests many different types of tastes, which are good for any event.

While it can be hard to make healthier meal plans, you need to have some variety in what you eat and reconsider your diet from time to time.

There is always room for variety, and many types of foods can fit into a healthy diet. You just need to plan ahead and make sure it all fits together well over the course of the day.

Create a new meal plan

Autumn means new seasonal fruits and vegetables will hit store shelves and your local farmers’ market.

Revisit your meal plan and design one that includes fresh seasonal veggies and fruits, and explore new recipes for more grounding foods as you move into the cooler months.

Make it fun and involve the whole family when preparing your meals.

Cooking together can be a lot of fun.

Did you know that fruits like figs are a summer and autumn favourite? While they are not juicy fruit, they are jammy with a delicate aroma and a sweet taste.

Figs make perfect partners to savoury items like cheese, cured meats, and balsamic vinegar, and range in

colour from deep purple to brown to green, each with their own distinct flavour.

Upgrade your appliances

Cooking outdoors in the autumn is as popular as barbequing in the summer, maybe even more so.

As the weather cools down, it is often more comfortabl­e to spend time outside in the autumn months.

One way to transition your outdoor kitchen to autumn is by upgrading some of your appliances.

Investing in a new grill can help kick your cooking skills up a notch.

Vegetables, fruits, bread, and even heartier heads of lettuce can be fired to that perfect char. Just brush or coat whatever it is you are cooking with oil, and remove from heat when dried up or crisp.

 ?? ?? COOKING outdoors in the autumn is as popular as barbequing in the summer. | Pexels
COOKING outdoors in the autumn is as popular as barbequing in the summer. | Pexels
 ?? ?? FIGS make perfect partners to savoury items. | Pexels/Ella Olsson
FIGS make perfect partners to savoury items. | Pexels/Ella Olsson

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