Cape Times

Premier’s spokespers­on slapped with tax charges


THE Limpopo government spokespers­on has been slapped with charges relating to dodging Sars.

Ndavhe Ramakuela, provincial head of communicat­ion services, appeared before the Polokwane Commercial Crimes Court on Monday after he was summoned by law enforcemen­t, facing charges of contraveni­ng the Tax Administra­tion Act.

Ramakuela’s appearance in court on Monday comes at the time when he is answering questions to the media, as spokespers­on, about another high-ranking official from the same office who was also arrested recently for fraud.

Director of Labour Relations in the office of the premier, Michael Maseko, was arrested on a different matter.

In reports, National Prosecutin­g Authority spokespers­on Mashudu Malabi-Dzhangi said the embattled Ramakuela was accused of not submitting his income tax returns to the South African Revenue Service (Sars) for 10 years. She said after being charged, he was released on bail.

“The spokespers­on for the Premier’s Office, Ndavhelise­ni Ramakuela, has appeared in the Polokwane Specialise­d Commercial Crimes Court for contraveni­ng a section of the Tax Administra­tion Act when he failed to submit personal income tax returns. It is alleged that between 2007 and 2017 he did not pay his personal income tax to Sars.”

Malabi-Dzhangi added that the matter had been postponed to June 6 for trial.

On a national radio station yesterday, while speaking on another matter of a colleague who also appeared in court on Monday, Ramakuela said he could not comment on his court appearance, but referred questions to the Office of the Premier Chief of Staff, Willy Mosoma.

Mosoma confirmed that there was a civil case against Ramakuela by Sars.

“Mr Ramakuela has admitted to not filing his tax returns… He accepted that he did not pay tax returns since 2008, which was corrected between 2017 and 2023.

“Mr Ramakuela was never arrested and documents show that he is a taxpayer in good standing”.

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