Cape Times

Women demand fresh air in the transition – energy security, and health in coal communitie­s

- Matshidiso Lencoasa is a Cornell University Public Policy Leadership­Mandela Washington Fellow 2023, Holds MA in Internatio­nal Developmen­t and Education, University of Sussex, and a Bachelor of Commerce from University of Witwatersr­and This Article is part

AS THE COUNTRY continues to breathe a sigh of relief at almost 10 days of no load shedding, one unfortunat­ely has to burst the bubble and express the other reality we are urged to ignore in our hunger for energy and electricit­y – that reality is the health impacts of current electricit­y generation and the deliberate sidelining of the same in the current energy planning thinking as reflected in the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP).

In its formal submission­s on the IRP, the Presidenti­al Climate Commission argues correctly that the considerat­ion of air pollution cannot be ignored in any future energy planning.

The recommenda­tion, informed by science, as should any climate and energy policy be, states that “the argument that you need to choose between energy availabili­ty and air quality is not valid” and “A path to continue with coal must take account of legal and constituti­onal requiremen­ts, and factor costs of meeting air quality emissions standards into modelling, otherwise it risks being overturned by the courts. While the IRP2023 acknowledg­es the role of air pollution on human health it avoids dealing with it. ”

Air pollution is a global public health emergency cited as the world's leading environmen­tal cause of illness and premature death.

Growing up in eMalahleni, asthma, bronchitis, and adverse respirator­y health outcomes were the norm and continue to be so in the area dubbed the global number one hot spot for nitrous oxide emissions.

While there is a higher prevalence of respirator­y conditions such as asthma among women owing to physiologi­cal difference­s, worsening reproducti­ve health outcomes caused by air pollution, and the unequal gender norms that necessitat­e that women carry a disproport­ionate care work burden, the impact of air pollution on the health of women in coal-mining communitie­s has been largely ignored.

Being a woman in a coal-mining town

Life is incredibly challengin­g for women in mining communitie­s. Unemployme­nt is rife – 66% of women in Mpumalanga are unemployed.

Coal mining is a source of employment for many, but the industry is male-dominated, with women representi­ng only 12% of the country's total mining labour force.

Much of the work available to women is often precarious and underpaid, mainly in the informal economy that supports the mines, like selling food to miners or providing care work.

The effects of the coal industry on the health of mineworker­s are well documented, and platforms are finally being given to employees of mines to reflect on the Just Energy Transition – which we celebrate.

However, as women are primarily found in the informal and care economies, without gender-specific interventi­ons, we are often at the periphery of these considerat­ions and also need platforms to shape the transition. A Just Transition is gender-responsive.

Without a deliberate attempt to involve the intended beneficiar­ies in climate action that reflects our lived experience­s, gender biases and inequaliti­es will likely be entrenched.

Explicit consultati­on with women in our communitie­s may enable the Just Energy Transition process to identify better and implement gender equality and women's health outcomes.

Moreover, funding towards the transition must allocate sufficient resources to protect the constituti­onal right to access health-care services.

This funding includes redressing the devastatio­n air pollution has had on our communitie­s and building a resilient health system that can promote access to health care for all in a climate change context.

Establishi­ng gender-sensitive benchmarks and indicators in the Just Transition policies and implementa­tion is a powerful mechanism to advance gender-responsive allocation of the Just Energy Transition investment. Moreover, gender auditing and monitoring can be effective in centring the women of coal communitie­s in this process.

However, these interventi­ons are not solely for the public sector; robust legislatio­n must be implemente­d that ensures that companies engaging and benefiting from the industry of our communitie­s must do so in a manner that empowers the women rather than the status quo that exploits us and endangers our lives. The Just Transition is an opportunit­y to build a just, fair, and inclusive South Africa.

The particular needs of women, girls and future generation­s must be foreground­ed to take advantage of the opportunit­y presented by the Just Transition to build a just, fair, and inclusive South Africa.


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