Cape Times




1 Dress formally when European gets carried over (6)

4 Crazy hat for a reckless

person? (6)

9 Throw out pleas for flower

part (5)

10 Reside in hospital for

a while (7)

11 Radiant good cattle

sound (7)

12 Distribute very much,

as discussed (5)

13 Upset Herbert’s top

relative (11)

18 Hot inside pleasant

corner (5)

20 Pirates all at sea travel

wearily (7)

22 Net deposit that’s

undesired (3,4)

23 Dread losing first letter –

it’s a mistake (5)

24 Unsettle noisy Arab

leader (6)

25 Stayed out, fixed (6)


1 Tousle (6)

4 Talent spotters (6)

9 Prejudiced person (5)

10 Anarchy (3,4)

11 Genuine, heartfelt (7)

12 Group of trees (5)

13 Fruity, creamy dessert (8,3)

18 Swiftness (5)

20 Degree of excellence (7)

22 Judicial appeal (7)

23 Question harshly (5)

24 Make firm (6)

25 Malfunctio­n (6)


1 Standard rank (6)

2 Bond offered drink

after hit (7)

3 Former Russian states almost produce type of curry (5)

5 Two articles on painting,

in essence (2,5)

6 Small party in Mecca

ballroom (5)

7 Tuber needing plant holder

at back of bistro (6)

8 Touches lofty digital

cover (11)

14 Bake in advance minced

pork cut by author (7)

15 Opera I’m composing for

trading centres (7)

16 Losing top of loudspeake­rs

is irritating (6)

17 Every twelve months, boy’s

ending before time (6)

19 Vessel seen in choppy

ocean (5)

21 Turn away from a green

in Paris (5)


1 Strong, vigorous (6)

2 Reddish-purple colour (7)

3 Machine for turning wood

or metal (5)

5 Changing

compartmen­t (7)

6 Assume (power)

wrongfully (5)

7 Become furious (3,3)

8 In a flawed way (11)

14 Former (3-4)

15 Congenital (2-5)

16 Place of Christian

worship (6)

17 Condition of the body (6)

19 Indian instrument (5)

21 Permitted by law (5)

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