Cape Times

Blaze destroys iconic Danish spire


A FIRE ripped through Copenhagen’s Old Stock Exchange, one of the Danish capital’s most famous landmarks, yesterday, engulfing its spire which collapsed in a scene reminiscen­t of the 2019 blaze at Paris’ Notre-Dame Cathedral.

Emergency services, employees from the Danish Chamber of Commerce, including its CEO Brian Mikkelsen, and even passers-by were seen carrying large paintings away from the building in a race to save historic artefacts from the flames.

A video showed the flaming spire breaking in half as it tumbled down, sending a large part crashing to the ground next to a fire truck.

“Everybody is crying at the Danish Chamber of Commerce right now. It’s their workplace, but also their history,” Mikkelsen said. “It’s our cultural heritage that I’m looking at. It’s 400 years that have shaped Danish cultural history and the society we live in today.”

Denmark’s National Museum sent 25 employees to the scene to help evacuate cultural artefacts and paintings, it said on X.

Video from local media showed people sitting on the ground outside the building, looking through paper catalogues listing and depicting the artefacts inside.

“We are saving everything we possibly can,” said Copenhagen fire department chief Jakob Vedsted Andersen.

Among the works saved were paintings by Denmark’s Peder Severin

Kroyer, a renowned 19th century impression­ist. Rescued items would be sent to Denmark’s National Museum for examinatio­n, its head of collection storage and curation Camilla Jul Bastholm told Reuters.

The historic building, whose spire was shaped as the tails of four dragons intertwine­d, had been under renovation and clad in scaffoldin­g when the fire broke out.

Parts of the roof had collapsed and the fire spread to several floors of the building, the fire service said, adding the firefighti­ng operation would continue through the night. There were no reports of injuries, police said, and it was not immediatel­y clear what caused the blaze.

“Horrible pictures from the Bourse. So sad. An iconic building that means a lot to all of us ... Our own NotreDame moment,” Defence Minister Troels Lund Poulsen wrote on X.

Around 90 conscripts from the Royal Life Guards, an army unit, were helping cordon off and secure valuables, the military said.

Chamber of Commerce CEO Mikkelsen said he had received hundreds

of emails from people asking how they could help. The Dutch Renaissanc­e-style building no longer houses the Danish stock exchange, but serves as headquarte­rs for the Chamber of Commerce.

The building was originally built to accommodat­e stalls where goods such as tea and spices were traded.

“It was imagined that a lot of gold would be generated for Denmark and that’s why they put dragons above it because they are known to guard gold,” senior researcher at the National Museum of Denmark, Ulla Kjaer, told Reuters.

The spire also had three crowns at the top, symbolisin­g the great kingdoms of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, she added.

“This spire is absolutely iconic and there is no other like it in the world,” Kjaer said.

“An important part of our architectu­ral heritage was and still is in flames,” King Frederik wrote in a post on Instagram. “For generation­s, the characteri­stic dragon spire has helped to characteri­se Copenhagen as the ‘city of towers’.”

 ?? | Reuters ?? THE tower of Denmark’s Old Stock Exchange caught fire in Copenhagen yesterday.
| Reuters THE tower of Denmark’s Old Stock Exchange caught fire in Copenhagen yesterday.

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