Cape Times

Concourt scraps the enlistment of retired justices for backlogs


THE Constituti­onal Court will no longer enlist the services of retired justices to assist with applicatio­ns for leave to appeal as part of addressing the backlog in the country’s apex court.

Instead, it could employ experience­d lawyers to provide support to the justices of the Constituti­onal Court, including the preparatio­n of memoranda in new applicatio­ns.

“The other (option) is that the Constituti­on should be amended to make it possible for the Justices of the Constituti­onal Court not to sit en banc (on the bench) when deciding new applicatio­ns, but to form panels of three to decide new applicatio­ns. The Justices would still sit en banc when hearing and deciding matters that have been set down for hearing,” read a statement issued by the Office of the Chief Justice.

The decision to not use retired justices follows criticism from several NGOs and questions about the constituti­onality of the decision to appoint retired Justice Zak Yacoob to the Concourt.

This was because of his suitabilit­y in light of his political statements and alleged proximity to some Cabinet ministers.

However, the Office of the Chief Justice had maintained that Yacoob and retired Justice Johan Froneman would be volunteeri­ng this service and would not take part in the adjudicati­on of any matter.

In yesterday’s statement, the Office of the Chief Justice said Chief Justice Zondo had indicated that the programme was at a trial stage and it was to be reviewed soon in order to determine whether it was was effective in addressing the backlog of new applicatio­ns which results in delays in disposing of new applicatio­ns.

“The Chief Justice and his Colleagues in the Constituti­onal Court recently held a meeting to review the programme …

“They noted that only a limited number of the retired Justices were available.

“Given this unavailabi­lity of many of the retired Justices of the court, it was decided to discontinu­e the programme.”

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