Cape Times


- Tawanda Karombo

COUNTRY Bird Holdings (CBH) on Friday made more share purchases in Quantum Foods after buying out Astral Foods’ 9.77% stake in the JSE-listed stockfeeds and poultry company. Shares in Quantum Foods on the JSE soared 72.93% on Thursday after Astral Foods disposed of its stake to CBH, in a move seen as shaking up the poultry industry. The move also sparked a battle for the control of Quantum Foods, analysts said, saying there was only about 5% to 6% free float left in the company’s stock. On Friday, Quantum Foods said it had “received a notificati­on from CBH” in terms of the Companies Act, which indicated that “CBH has made further acquisitio­ns of shares” in the company in addition to last week’s transactio­n. Furthermor­e, since the disposal of Astral Foods’ interest to CBH, there had been a shareholde­r who had notified Quantum Foods of having received an “unsolicite­d offer from CBH to acquire” its shares. The transactio­n had been proposed at a price per share above the then prevailing market price, but below R7.25 per share. “Another shareholde­r informed the company of the intention to offer its shares to the market at a price of R8.10 per share. “Quantum Foods has been in discussion­s with various stakeholde­rs and is exploring the potential for other parties to purchase shares in the company,” it said.

In this regard, Quantum Foods had been notified that certain shareholde­rs had agreed to sell their shares to persons that include Aristotle Africa, an entity that currently controls about 34% of the company. Quantum Foods’ share price has increased by 104.4% between the closing price on March 1 and the closing price on Thursday, March 7. On Friday, its share price closed 3.26% higher at R9.50. Quantum Foods supplies Astral with approximat­ely 600 000 broilers per week. |

 ?? | Reuters ?? QUANTUM foods reported a significan­t decline in profits, predicting a cut in headline earnings.
| Reuters QUANTUM foods reported a significan­t decline in profits, predicting a cut in headline earnings.

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