Cape Times

Mondi to merge with DS Smith to create a global packaging leader

R124.8 bn deal will create one of the world’s largest makers of packaging


IN ONE OF the biggest multinatio­nal corporate deals this year, packaging and paper group Mondi said on Friday that it plans a mega-merger with UK-listed DS Smith for £5.1 billion (R124.8bn), in a deal to create one of the world’s largest makers of packaging.

The proposed all-share deal, the full terms of which still have to be finalised, aims to create “a pan-European industry leader … with complement­ary geographic footprints … a strong balance sheet and cash flow, and the potential to deliver substantia­l benefits to shareholde­rs, customers, employees and stakeholde­rs,” Mondi’s board said in a JSE regulatory notice.

DS Smith’s share price soared 5.2% in London on Friday to 341.99 pence. For its shareholde­rs, the proposed transactio­n has an implied value of 373p a share, representi­ng a 33% premium over DS Smith’s price on February 7, the day before it said it had received an approach from Mondi.

Mondi’s share price was R324.97, 1.67% lower, on the JSE at after falling from R341.54, from February 29.

According to Moneyweb, rival Smurfit Kappa Group last year agreed to acquire WestRock Co, to create an Irish-American packaging group.

The sector has benefited from higher demand during the Covid pandemic after consumers ordered more goods online, but demand slowed somewhat after consumers returned to the malls and stores.

However, online purchases have since become a significan­t portion of retail sales in developed markets. DS Smith lists Amazon as one of its clients.

Mondi shareholde­rs will own 54% of the combined group, with DS Smith owning the rest.

DS Smith is one of the world’s largest cardboard box makers and was started by the Smith family as a box-making business, in east London, in 1940. As of February 2024, it had a market capitalisa­tion of £5.69bn (R136.65bn).

JSE and London-listed Mondi, with a market cap of about £6.1bn, employs about 21 000 people with around 100 production sites across more than 30 countries, mainly in Europe, North America and South Africa.

It was establishe­d in South Africa in the 1960s as part of Anglo American.

According to Bloomberg, Mondi had explored a takeover of DS Smith in 2021, but nothing came of it.

Mondi chairperso­n Philip Yea will be chairperso­n of the merged group, and Mondi’s current CEO Andrew King will take the same position in the enlarged Mondi group. Mike Powell will be the CFO. Three DS Smith non-executives are expected to join the board.

Benefits of the deal were listed as increased exposure to structural growth trends in sustainabl­e packaging, a highly complement­ary geographic footprint creating a leading player in corrugated packaging across Europe and the combining of both Mondi’s and DS Smith’s strengths in the corrugated value chain.

The merged group would have “cost-efficient virgin containerb­oard mills”, a well-located converting network and strategica­lly located and integrated recycled containerb­oard production, of which a feature would be enhanced vertical integratio­n.

The merged group would also have a strengthen­ed ability to serve global FMCG customers and provide an opportunit­y to create “significan­t value” for both Mondi and DS Smith shareholde­rs.

The companies have been granted an extension by the London Stock Exchange’s Panel on Takeovers and Mergers to April 4, 2024, for the parties to discuss the terms of the deal more, and by which time Mondi must make a firm offer.

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