Cape Times

Portugal vote could see a shift to right

- | AFP

VOTERS in Portugal went to the polls yesterday in an early election that could see the country join a shift to the right across Europe after eight years of Socialist rule.

Final opinion polls published Friday put the centre-right Democratic Alliance (AD) narrowly ahead of the Socialist Party (PS) but short of an outright majority in parliament, which could make the far-right Chega the kingmaker for a coalition government.

But analysts warned the results of the election, Portugal’s second in two years, remained wide open given the large number of undecided voters.

Exit poll projection­s were expected last night.

“These elections represent a possible change, there would be little point in doing otherwise,” Pedro Resende, a 56-year-old security officer, told AFP at a polling station in Telheiras, a modern, upper-middle-class neighbourh­ood in northern Lisbon.

The AD has campaigned on promises to boost economic growth by cutting taxes and to improve public services. The party’s leader, 51-yearold lawyer Luis Montenegro, said he was “hopeful about the future” after he cast his vote in the northern town of Espinho.

Voter turnout stood at 25.2% by midday, up from 23.3% at the same point during the last election in 2022. Montenegro has ruled out any post-election agreement with Chega, but other top AD officials have been more ambiguous. Analysts say a deal with the anti-establishm­ent party may prove the only way for the AD to govern. Like other populist far-right parties in Europe, Chega has tapped into concerns about crime and rising immigratio­n.

With one of Europe’s most open immigratio­n regimes, Portugal has seen its foreign-born population double in five years and hit one million last year – one-tenth of the country’s population.

Chega, which means “Enough”, calls for stricter controls over immigratio­n, tougher measures to fight corruption and chemical castration for some sex offenders.

After casting his ballot in Lisbon, Chega leader Andre Ventura – a former trainee priest who went on to become a television football commentato­r – said it was important people vote because Portugal was “going through deep demographi­c and social changes”.

Just five years old, Chega picked up its first seat in Portugal’s 230-seat parliament in 2019, becoming the first far-right party to win representa­tion in the assembly since a military coup in 1974 toppled a decades-long rightwing dictatorsh­ip. Chega increased its share to 12 seats in 2022 and polls suggest it could more than double that number this time.

That would mirror gains by farright parties across Europe, where they already govern, often in coalition, in countries such as Italy, Hungary and Slovakia, or are steadily gaining, as in France and Germany. The election was called after Socialist Prime Minister Antonio Costa, 62, unexpected­ly resigned in November following an influence-peddling probe.

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