Cape Times

IEC is probing how candidate lists were leaked


POLITICAL parties have until March 27 to submit objections to candidates who have been proposed for the provincial legislatur­es and the National Assembly ahead of the national general elections.

This comes after parties on Friday submitted three lists to the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC), national-to-national, provincial-to-national and provincial-to provincial.

The ANC raised concerns after its national party list was leaked, saying this would give an unfair advantage to opposition parties who will now have extra time to scrutinise the party's list.

The MK Party national list was also leaked.

ANC spokespers­on Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri said they were concerned that ANC candidate lists appeared to emanate from the IEC's online candidate nomination system and had been circulated on social media.

“We have conveyed our concerns to the IEC about this unauthoris­ed release of personal informatio­n in potential contravent­ion of the Protection of Personal Informatio­n Act.”

IEC spokespers­on Kate Bapela said they had begun an inquiry into how the documents were leaked.

“Indication­s are that the data emanated from internal system-generated reports within the Electoral Commission. To this end, the commission has directed an inquiry to establish the circumstan­ces and identity of the source of the unauthoris­ed disclosure.

“To the extent that the disclosed documents also contain personal informatio­n of data subjects, the Electoral Commission has reported the incident to the Informatio­n Regulator in compliance with the Protection of Personal Informatio­n Act,” Bapela said.

According to the IEC's timetable, the documents would have been made publicly available on March 26 and 27.

The ANC's national list reveals that the party has stuck to its decision last week to include dozens of candidates who have been implicated in the State Capture report while it excludes prominent leaders who are facing criminal charges.

Those included are ANC national chairperso­n and Minerals and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe, the ANC's first deputy secretary-general, Nomvula Mokonyane, Sports Minister Zizi Kodwa, Water and Sanitation Deputy Minister David Mahlobo, former public enterprise­s and finance minister Malusi Gigaba and MP Cedrick Frolick.

Those formally charged and not included on the national list include former Free State MEC Motshidisi Koloi, former Limpopo chair Danny Msiza, on charges arising from the VBS banking scandal, Bongani Bongo, Mosebenzi Zwane and Andile Lungisa.

Chair of the ANC eThekwini region, Zandile Gumede, did not appear on the national list but the region expects her to make at least one of the two other lists.

She has pleaded not guilty to the charges against her in a matter related to a R320millio­n Durban Solid Waste contract and her trial is under way.

The ANC asked Gumede to step aside in light of the charges but she has been seen actively campaignin­g, most recently with secretary-general Fikile Mbalula and Mantashe at ANC activities.

The MK Party said it was not perturbed over possible objections to former president Jacob Zuma featuring on its candidate list.

Zuma was handed a 15-month sentence in 2021 for refusing to testify at the State Capture Inquiry but was released on medical parole after two months due to a remission of sentence for non-violent offenders approved by President Cyril Ramaphosa.

Sections 47 and 106 of the Constituti­on state that a citizen is eligible to be a member of the National Assembly or provincial legislatur­e except if they are “convicted of an offence and sentenced to more than 12 months' imprisonme­nt without the option of a fine … A disqualifi­cation under this paragraph ends five years after the sentence has been completed.”

MK Party spokespers­on Nhlamulo Ndhlela said this was in reference to a criminal and not a civil matter and Zuma's “was not a criminal case”.

“He was sentenced but never stood before a judge,” Ndlela said.

 ?? Indpendent Newspapers ?? IFP leader Velenkosin­i Hlabisa greets a fully packed crowd at Moses Mabhida stadium in Durban as the party held it’s manifesto launch on Sunday. | DOCTOR NGCOBO
Indpendent Newspapers IFP leader Velenkosin­i Hlabisa greets a fully packed crowd at Moses Mabhida stadium in Durban as the party held it’s manifesto launch on Sunday. | DOCTOR NGCOBO

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