Cape Times


- Staff Reporter

IRMA ASSESSMENT­S, which encompasse­d rigorous evaluation­s of various operationa­l aspects, mark a significan­t step forward in promoting transparen­cy and sustainabl­e mining practices in the region. | FILE

ANGLO American’s Amandelbul­t and Mototolo platinum group metal (PGM) operations in South Africa have become the first in the country to undergo audits against the Initiative for Responsibl­e Mining’s (Irma) Standard for Responsibl­e Mining. The results were released on Friday by the Irma. The audits were conducted by independen­t firm ERM-CVS. Amandelbul­t was assessed at Irma 50, while Mototolo achieved a higher rating of Irma 75, indicating their substantia­l compliance with the Irma Standard’s criteria for social and environmen­tal responsibi­lity, business integrity, and planning for positive legacies. These assessment­s, which encompasse­d rigorous evaluation­s of various operationa­l aspects, mark a significan­t step forward in promoting transparen­cy and sustainabl­e mining practices in the region. These achievemen­ts contribute­d to Anglo American’s broader goal of having all its mining operations assured against recognised responsibl­e mining standards by 2025. Aimee Boulanger, the executive director of Irma, emphasised the importance of such evaluation­s in enabling informed decision-making by mining companies, communitie­s, and purchasers of mined materials. Boulanger cautioned that while these audits represente­d significan­t progress, they should be interprete­d within the context of the evolving Irma Standard and assessment process. Acknowledg­ing the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic and the learning curve for both auditors and stakeholde­rs, she highlighte­d the need for continuous improvemen­t and dialogue. “With Amandelbul­t, Mototolo and Unki joining 16 other industrial-scale mines worldwide within the Irma independen­t assessment system, the global mining industry is witnessing a paradigm shift towards greater accountabi­lity and inclusivit­y. “The Irma Standard’s emphasis on equal representa­tion of public and private sector stakeholde­rs underscore­s its commitment to fostering dialogue and collaborat­ion,” Anglo said in a statement. |

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