Cape Times

Tech giants sign a pact against AImade political deepfakes


TECH GIANTS including Meta, Microsoft and TikTok signed a pledge on Friday to crack down on AI content intended to deceive voters ahead of crucial elections around the world this year.

The accord commits the companies, including Google and OpenAI, to develop ways to identify, label and control AI-generated images, videos and audio that aim to mislead voters.

“I think you need all the players from the source of the generation to the actual consumptio­n by the user involved and that's why I think having everybody, 20 companies, sign up to this is so impactful,” said Nick Clegg, the president of global affairs at Meta.

Among the 20 signatorie­s of the deal, presented on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference in Germany, were also X, formerly known as Twitter, as well as Snap, Adobe, LinkedIn, Amazon and IBM. Under the agreement, AI-generated content could be given a watermark or tagged in the metadata at source, although the signatorie­s acknowledg­ed that “all such solutions have limitation­s”.

The tech companies also said they would also work together to develop ways to “detect and address” deceptive election material on their platforms.

Such content could, for example, be annotated to make it clear it is AI-generated.

Meta, Google and OpenAI have already agreed to use a common watermarki­ng standard that would tag images generated by their AI applicatio­ns, such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, Microsoft's Copilot or Google's Gemini (formerly Bard).

The pledge comes as big tech companies are under considerab­le pressure over fears that AI-powered applicatio­ns could be misused in a pivotal election year.

The European Commission vice-president for values and transparen­cy, Vera Jourova, who attended the presentati­on in Munich, said she was pleased the tech companies “agree the technology can pose a risk to democracy”.

However, government­s “could not blame big tech for everything”, Jourova said. “We also have some job to do on our side,” she said, with the EU preparing for elections to the European Parliament in June.

Recent examples of convincing AI deepfakes have only heightened worries about the easily accessible technology.

Last month, a robocall impersonat­ion of US President Joe Biden pushed out to tens of thousands of voters urged people to not cast ballots in the New Hampshire primary.

In Pakistan, the party of former prime minister Imran Khan has used AI to generate speeches from their jailed leader.

 ?? | Reuters ?? LAST MONTH tens of thousands of voters received a robocall impersonat­ing US President Joe Biden, discouragi­ng them from casting ballots in the New Hampshire primary
| Reuters LAST MONTH tens of thousands of voters received a robocall impersonat­ing US President Joe Biden, discouragi­ng them from casting ballots in the New Hampshire primary

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