Cape Times

A strategy to navigate a tough year ahead

- ODWA MTATI Mtati is the CEO of the South African Internatio­nal Maritime Institute.

THE Internatio­nal Monetary Fund's economic prediction­s for the year are that global growth is to stay at 3.1% this year and rise to 3.2% next year.

All the while, elevated central bank rates to fight inflation and a withdrawal of fiscal support amid high debt weigh on economic activity. This suggests tough economic conditions.

There are choices to be made and one of those is a commitment to attain the 2024 goals in spite of the challengin­g circumstan­ces. As South African Internatio­nal Maritime Institute (Saimi) ventures into the year, the institute presents a glimpse into the future through Saimi's vision and initiative­s.

The first 30 days of this initial quintile have witnessed Saimi's continued commitment to the inclusive developmen­t of the maritime sector. Saimi will navigate through the year, with a renewed focus on advocacy, research and innovation and education as well as skills developmen­t. The strategic initiative­s will encapsulat­e internatio­nalisation and transforma­tion as the institute embarks on a voyage to make an impact on the maritime landscape in South Africa and beyond.

Last month, the maritime sector celebrated the official handover of the SA Agulhas in Cape Town, marking a new chapter in maritime education and research. The moment symbolises a catalytic point between training and employment opportunit­ies. Saimi is obliged to dedicate itself and partner institutio­ns to fostering excellence in the training of South African cadets. The institute is thrilled about JS Maritime's commitment to continue the vessel's crucial role in training.

As the custodian of the National Seafarers' Developmen­t Programme, Saimi stands ready to facilitate the placement of cadets, further reinforcin­g the commitment to the sustainabl­e growth of the maritime workforce. The agreements with the Internatio­nal Maritime Employers' Council and the South African Maritime Training Academy will be part of efforts to address the critical issue of training berths for South African seafarers. We eagerly anticipate the commenceme­nt of training in the first half of this year.

The global stage is also a focal point for Saimi this year, with strategic partnershi­ps such as the memorandum of understand­ing with the Internatio­nal Associatio­n of Maritime Universiti­es. Their visit to the country last year amplifies the commitment to collaborat­e in the endeavours to position SA maritime institutes to equal stature to other global institutio­ns.

On the home front, Saimi continues to support maritime skills developmen­t interventi­ons from basic to tertiary education. Last month, the institute hosted the first national workshop for maritime educators as part of the initiative to capacitate high schools offering maritime subjects.

Saimi intends to elevate the quality of maritime education within the further education and training band, including maritime high schools. The institute has commission­ed a programme to develop teaching and lecturing subject specialisa­tions in nautical science and maritime economics for the Postgradua­te Certificat­e in Education and the Advanced Diploma in Technical and Vocational Teaching.

Looking ahead, the Saimi research think tank stands as a testament to the commitment to advancing knowledge and innovation across seven thematic areas. This encompasse­s vital components such as knowledge generation, capacity building, supervisio­n of post-graduate students, and fostering collaborat­ion and engagement within the research community.

In a bid to foster knowledge exchange, Saimi is gearing up to host a maritime IT round-table next month. This will bring together key stakeholde­rs in the maritime informatio­n technology and cybersecur­ity domain … to facilitate insightful discussion­s and forge meaningful collaborat­ions that contribute to the progress of our maritime initiative­s.

These initiative­s, with several others, underscore Saimi's approach to advocacy, research, innovation, skills education and training as part of the commitment to contribute to the growth and sustainabi­lity of the sector.

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