Cape Times

Renergen says LNG production has resumed after delayed maintenanc­e


RENERGEN’S share price leapt more than 5% yesterday morning after it informed shareholde­rs that liquefied natural gas (LNG) deliveries had recommence­d following a planned, but longer than expected, maintenanc­e outage.

The delays during the planned maintenanc­e outage were primarily as a result of the scheduled maintenanc­e being brought forward to coincide with the helium coldbox repair, CEO Stefano Marani said in an update yesterday to the JSE’s news service.

“The shutdown ran longer than expected owing to unexpected challenges with the primary mixed refrigeran­t compressor­s.

“These compressor­s were supplied by a company that is part of a global Swiss compressor manufactur­ing group, which includes China, where the compressor­s were assembled,” he said.

The original equipment manufactur­er (OEM), local agent and Swiss head office, with Renergen’s teams, were able to diagnose the problem and determine the root cause.

“As a result of the losses suffered due to the delay, the company will seek to obtain relief from insurance cover and or a contractua­l claim against its suppliers,” Marani said.

The share price closed 2.48% up at R10.76 on the JSE yesterday, after falling steadily from R22.12 over 12 months as commission­ing of South Africa’s only onshore LNG and helium production facility has taken longer than originally stated by the company.

Yesterday’s update was not met favourably by all commentato­rs. For instance, shareholde­r activist Albie Cilliers wrote on the X platform that “Renergen now blames the Swiss for faulty plants. Helium (is) not ‘imminent’ any more, more delays …”

He said: “Renergen is a circus without a clown, because instead of being on his soapbox before his investor audience, the clown has run away to hide in the US.”

Kavi (@PillayKavi) also said on X: “On the one hand this bodes badly for exploratio­n of any kind.

“On the other hand maybe the geniuses who put money in here should be in the home loan or asset finance business.”

Marani said: “We have turned our full attention to the helium system following the successful repair and testing of the helium coldbox last year. We are waiting for the arrival of the OEM, which will occur following the Chinese New Year celebratio­ns,” he said.

He said that once the Chinese OEM representa­tives were in the country, they would finalise “the integratio­n of the helium system into the overall plant” and then undertake a final test to ensure the plant performed according to design specificat­ions.

 ?? ?? NAMPAK’S Plastics and Paper division results remained turbulent; comparable net debt levels were lower and lender covenants were being complied with. | SUPPLIED
NAMPAK’S Plastics and Paper division results remained turbulent; comparable net debt levels were lower and lender covenants were being complied with. | SUPPLIED

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