Cape Times

AI apocalypse should not be feared but exploited



WITH the recent introducti­on of revolution­ary new AI technologi­es, most notably ChatGPT, it has become evident that we are undergoing the greatest transforma­tion in history – nothing less than a revolution in the way we live and work. Yet the only people likely to be worse off are those who don’t use AI.

Instead of Artificial Intelligen­ce, Dr Justin Cohen believes AI should be thought of as Augmented Intelligen­ce, a way to empower us rather than replace us.

Cohen sees What The Future as a software update for what is still the greatest computer in the known universe: the human brain.

Install the update to turn AI into you and your team’s Augmented Intelligen­ce, and you will discover:

The chance of an AI apocalypse destroying humankind (low!); When AI is likely to take your job – and how to get a better one; Why we are in an epidemic of anxiety and depression; How to safeguard your mental health through exponentia­l change; The human advantage and how to capitalise on it; How AI could solve the problems of poverty, crime and ageing; How to create an agile culture of continual learning;

Get ready to feel the future, with stunning AI-generated imagery that enhance the story-telling and bring the book to life.

More than a handbook on thriving in an AI world, this is the story of humans, from their prehistori­c beginning to what may be near, the most transforma­tive moment in history.

See how humans have always thrived through change, and how you can do the same.

•“What the future?!” by Justin Cohen is available at Exclusive books.

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