Cape Times

An urgent Integrated Resource Plan is timeous for SA’s woes

- LEBOGANG MULAISI Lebogang Mulaisi is the chief operating officer of Presidenti­al Climate Commission.

ELECTRICIT­Y is a critical input for most, if not all, formal and informal economic activities, and is strongly linked with economic developmen­t.

Higher gross domestic product, for example, is correlated with greater electricit­y use, access, reliabilit­y, and affordabil­ity.

This is true at all scales and across all sectors of the economy, from large industries like mining, and manufactur­ing right through to small, medium, and micro enterprise­s (SMMEs), and the household economy. Electricit­y is also essential for delivering basic public services.

On January 4, 2024, the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Gwede Mantashe, published the draft Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) of 2023, calling for inputs and comments from stakeholde­rs and broader society.

As the deadline for such submission bolts faster, true to our mandate, the Presidenti­al Climate Commission (PCC) is undertakin­g a critical appraisal of the draft IRP2023 with practical, fact based, independen­t analysis from the perspectiv­e of the Just Transition and South Africa’s journey to a low carbon economy.

The updated IRP is being released in the context of a national power crisis, rapidly rising energy costs, and a deteriorat­ion in living standards for many South Africans.

For these reasons, stakeholde­rs across the board in South Africa are crucially interested in this updated IRP and its long-term implicatio­ns for their well-being and developmen­t, and its associated risks and opportunit­ies.

The importance of enrgy and the IRP

The IRP2023 itself states that “the IRP is a living plan that is expected to be regularly reviewed” focused on multiple policy objectives of “security of supply, energy affordabil­ity, and carbon emissions reduction” and that ultimately “final policy decisions must be taken on the basis of a long-term decarbonis­ation trajectory while improving South Africa’s competitiv­eness, growing the economy through industrial renaissanc­e as outlined in the National Developmen­t Plan (NDP)”.

The future of energy generation will also have direct impacts on human health via its impact on air quality and water.

Finally, the carbon intensity of the

energy mix will determine South Africa’s long-term compliance with our climate commitment­s and will have a direct impact on our trade competitiv­eness.

With this in mind, the IRP should as its first pitch, acknowledg­e its developmen­tal context which is to meet the primary energy security objective and demonstrat­es how this might be achieved in the short term.

Some positive innovation from the plan 1.

The analytical approach of the IRP marks a useful innovation. Splitting the analysis into two horizons allows considerat­ion of both short-term and long-term investment options.

2. The introducti­on of long term 2050 scenarios allows a far better analysis of climate compatible energy futures. The long-term scenarios demonstrat­e that extending coal plant and new clean coal are not the least cost options.

3. The least cost mix proposed for horizon one and two is indicated as variable renewable energy plus peaking support plus storage. While the PCC disagree with quantum of each technology deployed the mix of technologi­es aligns with PCC expectatio­ns.

Market signals and technology require further exploratio­n: 1.

It is not a least cost solution and fails to address energy access or energy efficiency. This combined with its vulnerabil­ity to private sector investment could drive long term inequality.

It effectivel­y ignores the issues of climate change and air quality, putting it in direct conflict with the law and with internatio­nal agreements.

The IRP2023 does not provide sufficient market signals (strength and consistenc­y) to support developmen­tal policies like the South African Renewable Energy Master Plan.

2. The IRP does not fulfil the basic requiremen­ts of an IRP as it falls short in its analysis of the emissions trajectori­es and restrictio­ns applied to the model that cap least cost technologi­es result in a mismatch between the IRP2023 and the benchmark studies reviewed by the PCC.

Further analysis is required to answer the basic questions that the IRP should address, at the very least a scenario to 2030 that more aggressive­ly addresses load shedding is needed and should be done in the context of different electricit­y demand forecasts, including demand scenarios aligned with NDP objectives.

The IRP is central to energy security as well as other economic developmen­t objectives and is an important signal to the market to encourage localisati­on and local job creation from constructi­on and maintenanc­e of new generation, however without further analysis and scenarios that don’t constrain technology deployment the IRP2023 cannot be used to make final decisions about a desired short- or long-term energy mix.

“The future of energy egeneratio­n will also have direct impact on human health via its impact on air quality and water

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 ?? ?? MINISTER of Mineral Resources and Energy, Gwede Mantashe. | SUPPLIED
MINISTER of Mineral Resources and Energy, Gwede Mantashe. | SUPPLIED

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