Cape Times




1 Not complainin­g if son gets in the news without parking (7)

5 I leave WC vacant (2,3)

8 Girl held by male,

the lad (5)

9 Five in team touring

country (7)

10 One’s read the source

of dates (4)

11 As on the menu, a real

cat recipe (1,2,5)

13 Greet with pistol, weird

spirit in the house (11)

17 A mistral blows over

scaremonge­r (8)

19 Split fashion is

a non-starter (4)

21 Shakespear­ean king turning up in middle of visit to see Middle-Easterner (7)

22 Lovely thing slightly

injured, that is (5)

23 Corroded under silver

stone (5)

24 Whipped filling to create

a change (7)


1 Brutal, savage (7)

5 Inhabitant of Aladdin’s

lamp (5)

8 Respond to a stimulus (5)

9 Choicest (7)

10 Tract (4)

11 Ceases to exist (8)

13 Excessivel­y brawny (6-5)

17 Device for securely

disposing of documents (8)

19 Be jealous of (4)

21 Cast a spell upon (7)

22 Eclipse, better (5)

23 Tall, spiky flower (5)

24 Setback in illness (7)


1 Point to that woman’s father, a mountain guide (6)

2 Shakespear­ean character

to return greeting (7)

3 Charlie boy’s young

animal (4)

4 Where one form of transport gives way to another (5,8)

5 Large ditches disrupt

N Chester (8)

6 Ship entering squall

in error (5)

7 Moderate fit

of ill-humour (6)

12 Headlong rush when

steep dam collapses (8)

14 One doubts it’s infected

round top of calf (7)

15 Posh boy and girl (2-2-2)

16 Stick advertisem­ent

in this place (6)

18 Vessel entering

Zambia or Tanzania (5)

20 Look over in Tuscany (4)


1 Relating to words (6)

2 French vineyard estate

round a castle (7)

3 Porridge cereal (4)

4 Device that warms a

room (7,6)

5 Discard (3,3,2)

6 Woodland sprite (5)

7 Join the forces (6)

12 Result of air pollution (4,4)

14 Unceasing (3-4)

15 Additional­ly (2,4)

16 Past (6)

18 Briefly summarise (5)

20 Exhausting labour (4)

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