Cape Times

Lusanda Mbane struts her stuff at the Zazi Clothing Factory show in New York


SEEING African authentici­ty on the internatio­nal runway is probably one of the best fashion moments.

Proudly South African brand Zazi Clothing Factory made Mzansi proud as they showcased at New York Fashion Week.

Owned by Onwaba Simanye Sishuta, the brand showcased a stunning collection of luxurious Umbhaco (Xhosa traditiona­l attire). Some of the dresses were giving classic queen vibes but in Umbhaco.

South African actress Lusanda Mbane, ambassador of the brand, led the pack on the runway.

She strutted her stuff in the exquisite Umbhaco dress paired with a thick beaded necklace and a doek. She captivated even more when she started doing umxhentso (a Xhosa traditiona­l dance).

“We brought Zazi to the world … and we did it our way, the African way, the Zazi way. Take a bow, Queen – @onwabamlev­e … this range was absolutely exquisite! World class,” said the Smoke and Mirrors star.

Launched in 2018, Zazi started as an NPO called The Ark Foundation, making school uniforms at reasonable prices for parents who could not afford them. Sishuta then got “a spiritual calling” and was guided by her ancestors on what to make of her brand, and that’s how Zazi came about.

“We make Umbhaco fashionabl­e. We make it fit to your everyday wear and even attract other cultures to feel good in our traditiona­l attire.

“When you align with who you are, everything falls into place, and to align, you must first know who you are (Zazi) and be proud to have a touch of who you are in your everyday wear,” Sishuta told Go Express.

Their showcase at New York Fashion was well received by supporters of the brand. “Our ancestors are dancing with pride. At this point we are unstoppabl­e,” said @asa_____m/

New York Fashion Week started last Friday and runs until today.

 ?? ?? LUSANDA Mbane during rehearsals at New York Fashion Week. | Instagram
LUSANDA Mbane during rehearsals at New York Fashion Week. | Instagram
 ?? | Instagram ?? LUSANDA Mbane wearing Zazi.
| Instagram LUSANDA Mbane wearing Zazi.

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