Cape Times

Accommodat­ion headaches as university and private accredited residences filled to capacity


AS CLASSES commenced for the 2024 academic year at universiti­es across the Western Cape, institutio­ns were grappling with large numbers of students applying for residence with little accommodat­ion available.

At Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) hundreds of students in dire need of accommodat­ion have been sleeping on the floor at District six and Mowbray campus halls for weeks. Chaotic scenes were seen at the Bellville Campus, where security chased away alleged stranded students from emergency accommodat­ion.

However, the university’s spokespers­on Lauren Kansley refuted claims that these were stranded students.

“These are not students, they are people who applied and do not have a space to study. So they have been rejected for study because of dismal academic results or disciplina­ry issues,” said Kansley.

A prospectiv­e student from the Eastern Cape said she applied on time and received an acceptance letter.

“It is not true that all the people here and are being chased away are those who did not reach requiremen­ts or are troublesom­e students.

“Some of us are students who applied on time and received acceptance letters. No notice was given and we have been at the emergency accommodat­ion for a while.

“People were mishandled by the securities and some of their items confiscate­d. We don’t know where we will sleep tonight, I never thought my first university experience would be like this,” she said.

Stellenbos­ch University’s Martin Viljoen said the institutio­n received about 14 000 applicatio­ns for residence spaces and can accommodat­e about 2 000 firstyear students at the Stellenbos­ch Campus and 280 first-year students at the Tygerberg Campus.

“SU is aware of the accommodat­ion challenges facing students. Currently all SU residences as well as private accredited accommodat­ion are at full capacity,” said Viljoen.

UWC spokespers­on Gasant Abarder said they received 52 000 applicatio­ns for accommodat­ion.

“We only accept the number of students that we have space for. The number of spaces available for firstyear students this year is 4 650. We have an overall total student population of approximat­ely 25 000. The total bed spaces available is 6 294 (university-owned and leased).

“Typically, all available space will be used,” said Abarder.

were chaotic scenes at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) Bellville Campus yesterday where security reportedly chased away stranded students from emergency accommodat­ion. The university, however, said these were people who had been rejected for study because of poor academic results or disciplina­ry issues. | AYANDA NDAMANE Independen­t Newspapers

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