Cape Times

SIU recoups over R700m for NSFAS


A SPECIAL Investigat­ing Unit (SIU) probe has assisted the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) in recouping more than R700 million from various institutio­ns of higher learning across the country.

The unit disclosed this yesterday as it provided an update to Parliament’s standing committee on public accounts (Scopa) on the progress of investigat­ions into the financial aid scheme.

According to the state’s anti-corruption agency, a total of R737 926 351 was recovered, the majority of which came from unallocate­d funds which amounted to R688 220 611.56.

The remaining R49 705 739.60 was recovered following signed acknowledg­ement of debt agreements reached with beneficiar­ies.

The unit explained that investigat­ions into the affairs of the financial aid scheme had revealed that the large volume of unallocate­d funds was a result of poor control systems and a lack of reconcilia­tion processes, which led to funds not being collected from the institutio­ns.

Despite the poor systems, it said the institutio­ns had co-operated with the unit when they were approached.

“Investigat­ions revealed that NSFAS failed to design and implement controls to ensure that there is an annual reconcilia­tion between the funds disbursed to the institutio­ns and the allocation of those funds to the students.”

The failure in control systems, which dates back to 2017, had led to the overpaymen­t and underpayme­nt of funds to the different institutio­ns, according to the unit.

Signed acknowledg­ement of debt agreements amounting to R49 705 739.60 with the Motheo Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College in the Free State, and with as many as 4 000 parents and students who did not meet the funding criteria, were also received.

The unit recovered the funds from nine institutio­ns, including R311 892 088.94 from the University of Johannesbu­rg, R200 000 000 recovered from the University of Pretoria, as well as just over R33 million from the University of Mpumalanga and Northlink College.

Encouragin­gly, the financial aid scheme had reportedly already appointed a service provider to assist them in performing the reconcilia­tion through a process called “close-out reporting”, which remained ongoing.

Accommodat­ion challenges which have long plagued institutio­ns were also investigat­ed, with the SIU detailing how the physical addresses and details of landlords or owners of NSFAS-funded accommodat­ions were not captured on their system nor were they vetted.

The investigat­ions into NSFAS were announced in April 2023 by unit head Andy Mothibi, who said then that since 2017 over 4 000 students who did not qualify for funding were provided with money nonetheles­s.

Mothibi told Scopa then that NSFAS had spent more than R5 billion to pay or overpay students who did not qualify for funding.

Breakdown of funds recovered from institutio­ns by the SIU:

■ West Coast College: R5 057 679

■ Walter Sisulu University: R19 900 174

■ Nkangala TVET College: R342 672.50

■ University of Zululand: R58 088 144.65

■ Majuba TVET College: R25 902 309.31

■ Northlink College: R33 369 404.97

■ University of Johannesbu­rg:

R311 892 088.94

■ University of Pretoria: R200 000 000

■ University of Mpumalanga:

R33 668 136.56

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