Cape Times

Vodacom reports strong revenue growth


VODACOM Group increased revenue by a whopping 26.8% to R38.9 billion in the quarter to December 31, boosted by the acquisitio­n of Vodafone Egypt.

Group service revenue growth, including Vodafone Egypt on a proforma basis, was 8.8%, at the higherend of the group medium-term target, the group said in a trading update on Friday. Customers across the group, including Safaricom, reached 200 million for the first time with more than 75 million of the customers using a financial service.

Vodacom CEO Shameel Joosub said in a statement: “During the third quarter Vodacom Group celebrated a number of key milestones including Vodacom Mozambique's 20-year anniversar­y, the trial of 5G in the DRC and the announceme­nt of Project Kuiper, a collaborat­ion with Amazon's low Earth orbit satellite communicat­ions initiative.”

Project Kuiper added to the group's satellite partnershi­ps and would extend the reach of 4G and 5G services to

more customers in Africa and in particular in areas that may otherwise be operationa­lly challengin­g or prohibitiv­ely expensive to serve via traditiona­l fibre or microwave solutions.

South Africa service revenue grew only 1.9% in the quarter, but it was compared against a strong comparativ­e period in the prior year. Egypt grew service revenue 29.1% in local currency, with Egypt financial services customers up 55.5% to 7.5 million.

Internatio­nal service revenue increased 10.7% after network investment accelerate­d data revenue growth.

Financial services revenue increased 31% to R3.4bn, with $98.2bn transacted through the mobile money platforms in the quarter.

Vodafone Egypt Telecommun­ications

SAE (Egypt) was consolidat­ed from December 8, 2022.

Joosub said after operating in Mozambique for two decades, its anniversar­y highlighte­d the contributi­on Vodacom had made to digital and financial inclusion in the country.

Vodacom Group, including Safaricom, had reached the 200 million customer mark for the first time, having reached 100 million customers in 2018.

In Egypt, local currency revenue growth of 31.5% was underpinne­d by a strong performanc­e from mobile data, fixed and financial services, including a 40.7% improvemen­t in data traffic.

In South Africa, revenue growth came to 4%, which the management said was satisfacto­ry considerin­g the strong comparativ­e as a result of heightened load shedding in the prior year quarter.

Across the Internatio­nal business segment, network investment contribute­d to a 25.4% increase in 4G sites, which supported an accelerati­on of local currency revenue growth.

“As we combine network investment with our focus on digital inclusion and pioneering handset financing and rural coverage models, we expect these will unlock further meaningful growth opportunit­ies across our eight markets,” Joosub said. Revenue from new services – financial and digital services, fixed and IoT – were on track to reach a targeted contributi­on of 25% to 30% over the medium-term.

The contributi­on of new service revenue exceeded 20% for the first time, to R6.2bn. Financial services was the biggest component, having grown 31% to R3.4bn in the quarter, largely on the back of scaling new products and strong customer growth of 12%.

“We remain Africa's largest mobile money platform by transactio­n value processed, with a value of close to $100bn (R1.9 trillion) in the quarter. Our super-app roll-out across the footprint remains a major focus,” said Joosub. In South Africa, VodaPay reached 4.8 million users.

“Looking ahead, we are alert to the financial constraint­s on customers caused by the high cost of living and we remain committed to delivering innovation­s that enhance the value we deliver to customers,” the group said.

 ?? | SIMPHIWE MBOKAZI Independen­t Newspapers ?? VODACOM CEO Shameel Joosub.
| SIMPHIWE MBOKAZI Independen­t Newspapers VODACOM CEO Shameel Joosub.

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