Cape Times

Protecting key infrastruc­ture tops SAPS’ agenda


A SOUTH AFRICAN was among a group of six undocument­ed foreign nationals arrested for possession of presumed stolen property and damage to essential infrastruc­ture worth more than R170 000 in Melkbosstr­and.

Acting on a tip-off about damages to essential infrastruc­ture, the team spotted a white Ford Ranger parked next to the road on Friday.

“Further inspection led to the recovery of railway Pandrol springs with an estimated street value of R175 000. The members apprehende­d a total of seven men of which six are undocument­ed persons and one a South African citizen on charges relating to the possession of presumed stolen property and damage to essential infrastruc­ture,” said police spokespers­on Joseph Swartbooi.

“Damage and vandalism to essential infrastruc­ture, such as rail and freight, poses a serious threat to the economy and job creation within our province and therefore every effort to prevent and combat these crimes remains a priority,” he said.

The suspects are expected to appear in the Atlantis Magistrate’s Court.

The arrests happened on the same day as a 35-year-old Zimbabwean was caught allegedly in possession of explosives in Barberton, Mpumalanga. He was also charged with contravent­ion of the Immigratio­n Act.

A tip-off led the officers to a residentia­l place in Barberton where they found exhibits hidden in various places inside the shop. These included nine electronic detonators, 14 shock tube assemblies, 16 blasting cartridges, six industrial drilling bits and a 104m detonating cord.

“Preliminar­y investigat­ion establishe­d that the explosives were smuggled from Zimbabwe. During the interview, the suspect reported that the explosives are sold mainly to illegal miners and other criminal elements,” said police spokespers­on Dineo Lucy Sekgotodi.

Hailing the officer’s work, Mpumalanga head of the Hawks Nicholas Jacobus Gerber said: “Illegal explosives are used during the execution of various serious crimes.

“This seizure is but one of many as the Hawks are collaborat­ing with key stakeholde­rs to ensure the safety of our communitie­s.”

While the suspect is expected to appear in court today, police say more arrests are imminent.

 ?? ?? POLICE spotted this Ford Ranger loaded with railway Pandrol springs worth about R175 000 on Friday.
POLICE spotted this Ford Ranger loaded with railway Pandrol springs worth about R175 000 on Friday.

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