Cape Times

Acsa raises its hand as partner to facilitate smooth AfCFTA trade


AIRPORTS Company South Africa (Acsa) has raised its hand as a potential strategic partner to facilitate the smooth movement of goods into key markets in the continent as the country started trading under the African Continenta­l Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement.

South Africa this week commenced preferenti­al trade with the first shipment of manufactur­ed products to Ghana via the Port of Durban under the AfCFTA’s Guided Trade Initiative.

The shipment was of forged grinding balls and high chrome grinding media products supplied to the platinum, gold, ferrochrom­e, base metals, power generation and cement industries.

However, there are concerns about the efficiency of goods movement as Transnet National Ports Authority has been hobbled by logistical bottleneck­s at the ports and rail caused by inadequate infrastruc­ture.

Acsa CEO Mpumi Mpofu said yesterday that the State-owned airports operator was well positioned to buttress any logistical challenges that may arise in fulfilling the trade commitment­s under AfCFTA, so long as it aligned with its air-cargo strategy.

Mpofu said the aviation industry was the most efficient to facilitate lightweigh­t goods, and without safety incidents such as those experience­d in the geopolitic­al wars in the Middle East.

“We raised our hands and challenged the government effectivel­y to even establish an aviation sector growth programme,” Mpofu said.

“We have not been successful in the establishm­ent of one in aviation, particular­ly in the context of the AfCFTA, but we are the mode of transport that has on-time performanc­e of more than 90% on a good day.”

Mpofu was speaking during a post-festive season media update where Acsa said it was expecting to return to pre-pandemic levels in the 2025/26 financial year after passenger volumes and aircraft movements reflected a solid increase that, in some cases, even exceeded projection­s.

Using the financial year 2019/2020 as a base for recovery, passenger numbers across the entire Acsa network of airports achieved a year-to-date recovery of 84%, with 18% growth when compared year-on-year, as 3.554 million passengers travelled through Acsa’s airports, exceeding its forecast of 3.425 million passengers.

Acsa is now working on the commodity designatio­n of its air-cargo strategy, which is about ensuring that the government shows a preference for air-freight to commoditie­s such as pharmaceut­icals, fresh produce coaching, textiles, electronic­s, computers, high-value goods, high-security goods, jewellery, coins, and others.

Mpofu said Acsa, and the aviation sector by extension, could ameliorate the limitation­s that could emanate from delays in shipping, railway or road transporta­tion and stifle the progress of AfCFTA.

She said the most challengin­g aspect for trade would come from long lead times to revamp the necessary infrastruc­ture such as ports and railway lines, but she was hopeful as the Chinese investment into Africa was helping many countries develop new airports.

“The objective reality, particular­ly in the long-term core infrastruc­ture, is that the lead times are anything between five and 10 years to develop a port on the African continent,” she said.

“So once we appreciate that there are all these projects that are going to support that programme, unfortunat­ely, they just have long lead times.”

At the launch of the AfCFTA on Wednesday, President Cyril Ramaphosa said the government was working closely with industry to fix Transnet’s rail and port operations in the immediate term and to ensure greater investment in infrastruc­ture.

Mpofu said Acsa would position itself into being that immediate solution to these bottleneck­s because of its performanc­e levels and the growth of dedicated freighters that it can push through. “So we’re hoping that will pan out very soon, so that we take our rightful place as a big facilitato­r of the trade area,” she said.

Acsa CEO Mpumi Mpofu said yesterday that the State-owned airports company was well positioned to buttress any logistical challenges

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