Cape Times

Hamas to attend talks in Cairo


THE leader of Hamas was expected in Cairo yesterday for talks on a proposed truce in Gaza, as Israel kept up its offensive in the besieged Palestinia­n territory.

Hamas was reviewing a proposal for a six-week truce in its war with Israel, a source said, after mediators gathered in Paris, with internatio­nal efforts towards a new pause in the devastatin­g war gathering pace.

In Gaza, there was no let-up in fighting or aerial bombardmen­t, with the focus of combat in the southern city of Khan Yunis, where Israel claims leading Hamas militants are hiding.

Overnight, witnesses said several Israeli air strikes hit the city, while aid and health workers have reported heavy fighting, particular­ly around two hospitals. According to the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza, 119 people were killed in the latest strikes.

“There’s a massacre taking place right now,” said Leo Cans, head of mission for NGO Doctors Without Borders for the Palestinia­n Territorie­s.

Israel accuses Hamas of operating from tunnels under hospitals in Gaza and of using medical facilities as command centres, a charge denied by the Islamist group.

Owing to constraint­s on the delivery of humanitari­an aid, the population is “starving to death”, the World Health Organizati­on’s emergencie­s director Michael Ryan said on Wednesday.

“The civilians of Gaza are not parties to this conflict and they should be protected, as should be their health facilities,” he said.

In its latest update, the UN reported heavy bombardmen­t across the Gaza Strip, particular­ly in Khan Yunis, while it said 184000 Palestinia­ns from the city were registered to receive assistance after fleeing their homes.

As Qatari and Egyptian-led mediation efforts intensifie­d, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was due to discuss a truce proposal thrashed out in Paris last weekend with CIA chief William Burns. A Hamas source said the threestage plan proposed would start with an initial six-week halt to the fighting that would see more aid deliveries into the Gaza Strip.

Only “women, children and sick men over 60” held by Gaza militants would be freed during that stage in exchange for Palestinia­n prisoners in Israel, the source said, requesting anonymity due to the sensitivit­y of the talks.

There would also be “negotiatio­ns around the withdrawal of Israeli forces”, with possible additional phases involving more hostage-prisoner exchanges, said the source, adding the territory’s rebuilding was also among issues addressed by the deal.

The war was triggered by Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel.

Israel retaliated with its military launching a withering air, land and sea offensive that has killed at least 26 900 people in Gaza, most of them women and children, according to the health ministry in the Hamas-run territory.

Tens of billions of dollars, and seven decades, would be required to rebuild Gaza, which “currently is uninhabita­ble” as half its structures are damaged or destroyed, the UN Conference on Trade and Developmen­t said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ruled out pulling forces from Gaza and repeatedly vowed to destroy Hamas in response to the October attack.

With the families of scores of Israeli hostages still trapped in Gaza not knowing when their loved ones will return home, there has been mounting criticism of Netanyahu’s government – sparking protests and even calls for early elections.

For people in Gaza, access to aid has been further hampered by a major controvers­y surroundin­g the UN’s agency for Palestinia­n refugees, UNRWA, after Israel accused several of its staff of involvemen­t in the Hamas attack.

Netanyahu told UN ambassador­s in a meeting in Jerusalem that UNRWA had been “totally infiltrate­d” by Hamas. He said other agencies should replace it. The claims saw several donor countries, led by key Israel ally the US, freeze funding for the agency.

UNRWA spokespers­on Tamara Alrifai said the agency supported “an independen­t investigat­ion” into the Israeli claims that led to the funding crisis. |

 ?? EPA-EFE ?? FARMERS park their tractors in front of the European Parliament during a protest on the sidelines of a EU summit in Brussels, yesterday. Farmers are protesting to highlight their declining incomes, overly complex legislatio­n and administra­tive overload, the Walloon Federation of Agricultur­e said. The discontent among farmers that was initially sparked in France has spilt over into several European countries, including Belgium, particular­ly in the Walloon region. |
EPA-EFE FARMERS park their tractors in front of the European Parliament during a protest on the sidelines of a EU summit in Brussels, yesterday. Farmers are protesting to highlight their declining incomes, overly complex legislatio­n and administra­tive overload, the Walloon Federation of Agricultur­e said. The discontent among farmers that was initially sparked in France has spilt over into several European countries, including Belgium, particular­ly in the Walloon region. |

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