Cape Times

WC wants wildfires classified as a provincial disaster


BECAUSE firefighte­rs have been hard at work battling several infernos, the Western Cape government wants the National Disaster Management Centre to classify the wildfires as a provincial disaster.

Fires in several communitie­s in the Cape Winelands and Overberg districts have been raging since last week, with high temperatur­es and strong winds fuelling the flames.

Evacuation­s from properties in Pringle Bay were ordered several times as part of precaution­ary measures, but were later lifted.

Some homes were in affected areas such as Wolseley, Rawsonvill­e and Brandwacht.

Local Government and Environmen­tal Affairs MEC Anton Bredell said yesterday that the infernos required a large and co-ordinated firefighti­ng effort, and the provincial government needed to be able to respond to a fast-changing situation.

“A provincial disaster classifica­tion will empower Premier Alan Winde and the Minister of Finance to move funding as and when we need it to sustain our firefighti­ng efforts.

“We have the necessary resources available to address the wildfires, but the disaster declaratio­n will give us the ability to co-ordinate optimally. We are doing everything to protect lives and property,” said Bredell.

He urged the public to report any sightings of a fire as quickly as possible to the closest authoritie­s.

“Experience over many years has taught us that the faster the initial response, the better our chances are of successful­ly controllin­g a fire before it spirals out of control,” he added.

By 4pm yesterday, Overstrand municipal manager Dean O'Neill said all flare-ups had been contained.

“Firefighte­rs will continue throughout the night with mop-up operations. The evacuation of Pringle Bay properties has been lifted and people can return to their homes,” he said.

The R43 between the Pearly Beach crossing and die Damme remained closed as thick smoke had reduced visibility.

Aerial resources were dispatched again to assist ground teams and crews.

Winde said fires had stretched the emergency teams to their limit.

“I have all the confidence in our entire disaster management network to eventually bring the blaze under control, with officials in the public and private sector working together round the clock to protect lives and infrastruc­ture.”

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