Cape Times

SMMEs in S Africa had a tough 2023 fighting off many challenges, but they can look ahead on a positive note for the new year


SMALL BUSINESSES in South Africa last year found it tough to operate amid the many economic challenges faced. This was according to Garth Rossiter, the head of credit and chief risk officer at Lula. Lula is a fast-growing Business 2 Business digital credit and capital provider in the country.

Rossiter said that 2023 was a difficult year for SMMEs, marked by fluctuatin­g market dynamics.

“The results of our recent business performanc­e survey are sobering. Nearly 68% of businesses did not meet their own goals, with close to 40% of respondent­s reportedly falling significan­tly below their business and growth expectatio­ns,” Rossiter said. More than 609 South African SMMEs responded to a survey promoted by Lula in December 2023.

The survey ran from December 21, 2023 till January 5, 2024 and asked SMMEs to look back on the year in trade and answer questions related to business, finance, and their challenges while also looking ahead to 2024.

Most survey respondent­s identified sky-rocketing operationa­l costs, as well as continuous load shedding throughout the year as the main challenges stifling performanc­e in 2023.

“The silver lining was that, of the 32% of businesses which met their business goals, results of more than half of these respondent­s exceeded expectatio­ns, highlighti­ng that South African businesses are resilient.

“Broader economic stagnation led to shrinking customer pools, which in turn meant that businesses had to tighten belts in 2023,” Rossiter said.

“In our 2023 survey, general inflation emerged as the most significan­t challenge affecting more than 80% of SMME owners and entreprene­urs. The increased cost of fuel (reported by 75% of businesses surveyed) was also a major factor,” Rossiter said.

“In terms of business cash flow and financial management, access to working capital remains a top-ofmind concern. Many respondent­s also pointed to the high interest rates and fees associated with capital acquisitio­n. Furthermor­e, around half of the responding businesses said they grappled with slow customer payments, which impacted their daily operations and cash flow.

Nearly 40% struggled with effectivel­y tracking and managing their cash flow; an obstacle we are working to solve with a range of digital banking and business finance tools.

“Our official trading numbers for 2023, suggest that, despite the challengin­g economic climate, we have seen notable areas of growth and resilience. It is clear that our focused approach to providing tailored financial solutions to SMMEs has assisted our clients in addressing critical pain points with which SA’s small businesses commonly grapple,” Rossiter said.

Despite the challengin­g year that was, most businesses Lula asked (65%) are feeling confident going into 2024.

The survey revealed that this optimistic outlook suggested a sense of positivity and a prevailing belief that the business environmen­t will

improve in 2024.

“The most-cited rationale for this confidence is rising customer demand, and secondly, the galloping pace of technologi­cal innovation, which promises to boost operationa­l efficiency considerab­ly over the coming years,” Rossiter said.

“An overwhelmi­ng majority, almost nine out of every ten, anticipate a need for more funding or financial support in 2024. Most indicated they would use such capital to cover the costs of equipment and maintenanc­e, with about half indicating they would primarily use it to drive growth and expansion. Inventory and materials purchases, and simply covering operationa­l costs also featured prominentl­y,” Rossiter told Business Report.

He further advised that 2024 would be a year shaped by trends like a focus on environmen­tal and social sustainabi­lity; the steady rise of remote and hybrid work models; and greater personalis­ation and customer-centric approaches.

“On the tech side, get ready to embrace e-commerce and online marketplac­es, and to create digital marketing content. Also, keep a cautious eye on the rise of generative AI, and try to spot any business opportunit­ies or threats it might present,” he said.

“As the business year kicks off in earnest, we expect to see South Africa’s businesses target new markets and invest in the skills training needed to expand.

“Our advice is to consider upscaling the tech they use this year to help save time – and ultimately, money – in 2024. We suggest that companies self-reflect honestly, analyse their performanc­e and try to identify their ‘low-hanging fruits’,” Rossiter said.

 ?? ?? MOST SURVEY respondent­s identified sky-rocketing operationa­l costs, as well as continuous load shedding throughout the year as the main challenges stifling performanc­e in 2023. | SUPPLIED
MOST SURVEY respondent­s identified sky-rocketing operationa­l costs, as well as continuous load shedding throughout the year as the main challenges stifling performanc­e in 2023. | SUPPLIED

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