Cape Times


Auditor General makes damning findings against national carrier


IN JUST four years, national carrier SAA recorded losses amounting to R23.5 billion, according to its four sets of outstandin­g annual reports that date back to the 2018-19 financial year.

In letters to Parliament, Public Enterprise­s Minister Pravin Gordhan said Auditor-General South Africa was now auditing the state-owned entities 202223 annual financial statements.

“It is expected to be completed by April 2024,” he said.

However, SAA obtained a disclaimer of audit opinion for each of the financial years 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22.

In her damning 2020-21 audit reports, Auditor-General Tsakani Maluleke said she was unable to obtain sufficient appropriat­e audit evidence regarding the consolidat­ion of two SAA subsidiari­es, SAA Employee Share Trust and SAA Travel Centre due to the non-submission of separate financial statements for audit.

“I was unable to obtain sufficient appropriat­e audit evidence relating to the eliminatio­n of intercompa­ny transactio­ns and reclassifi­cation associated with the two subsidiari­es, as mentioned.

“I was unable to confirm the consolidat­ion by alternativ­e means. Consequent­ly, I was unable to determine whether any adjustment was necessary to the consolidat­ed financial statements,” Maluleke said.

She made similar findings for the three prior years on a number of aspects when auditing SAA’s finances.

These included matters related to airline revenue, airline lease costs, electronic data costs, employee benefit expenses, maintenanc­e costs and investment­s among other things.

This also extended to irregular expenditur­e as well as fruitless and wasteful expenditur­e over the four financial years.

“I was unable to obtain sufficient appropriat­e audit evidence that investigat­ions were conducted into all allegation­s of financial misconduct committed by officials as required by Treasury Regulation.”

The auditor-general also said she was unable to determine whether any further adjustment­s were necessary to airline revenue stated at R2.382 million and R1 407m to the correspond­ing consolidat­ed and separate financial statements, respective­ly.

In all the four audit reports, Maluleke found that during and after the business rescue, there were no measures implemente­d to preserve skills and capacity in the finance department.

“This affected the credibilit­y of the financial statements prepared as the experience­d personnel with knowledge of the entities’ financial records left the company during the business rescue process.

“This was highlighte­d by the lack of ownership and accountabi­lity for accurate and complete financial records and financial reporting at a component level, which further indicates a lack of financial oversight, monitoring, and review of component financial informatio­n.”

She also said post the business rescue process, management and those charged with governance have not establishe­d an appropriat­e organisati­onal structure to facilitate an effective control environmen­t for reliable financial reporting and to ensure that financial statements and compliance activities are supported by appropriat­e records.

“Management did not implement effective action plans to ensure that all material prior-year audit misstateme­nts and compliance findings are remediated appropriat­ely.

“The accounting authority did not exercise adequate oversight over those responsibl­e for the design and implementa­tion of effective action plans.”

She noted that there were ongoing investigat­ions conducted by the Special Investigat­ing Unit into the affairs of SAA. “These investigat­ions are still ongoing, while some identified possible

criminal activities have already been referred to the Hawks for criminal investigat­ions,” she said.

Maluleke said the planned sale of SAA shares to Takatso Consortium indicated that a material uncertaint­y exists that may cast significan­t doubt on the public entity’s ability to continue as a going concern.

“As disclosed in note 44 to the financial statements, the shareholde­r is embarking on a process to dispose 51% stake in SAA and the preferred strategic equity partner has been identified.

“The sale is not yet finalised as there are outstandin­g regulatory approvals.”

But SAA said should the sale go through, the strategic equity partner will be able to advance SAA muchneeded cash for working capital.

It said from April 2022 to June 30, 2023, the government has provided R2.6bn funding to SAA to settle the legacy long-term debt and to fund receiversh­ip liabilitie­s.

The SOE also said its assets of R8.9bn exceeded its liabilitie­s of R5.8bn resulting in positive equity of R3.1bn after exiting business rescue.

SAA also said it received R1bn of the outstandin­g business rescue funds in April 2023 to settle the remaining business rescue obligation­s.

“SAA has also requested the shareholde­r provide the remaining balance of the business rescue funding amounting to R1.5bn during 2023/24.

“While there is uncertaint­y as to the extent and timing of further shareholde­r funding,

“SAA has analysed the cash requiremen­ts for the next 12 months based on its budget, and is comfortabl­e that it will have sufficient cash to meet its operating requiremen­ts.”

It added that it has also identified and sold certain properties that were not core to the business.

“In addition, there are excess aircraft engines and spares that can be disposed of. SAA also has significan­t property assets that are unencumber­ed and could be used as collateral to raise funding if required.

“These properties were valued by an independen­t valuer at the end of the 2022/23 financial year and an increase in valuation of SAA’s properties of R2.4bn have been processed.”

 ?? ?? FAMILY, friends, and colleagues converged on the Rhema Bible Church in Johannesbu­rg yesterday to honour the life of songbird Bulelwa ‘Zahara’ Mkutukana. Judith Sephuma, Ringo Madlingozi, and Brenda Mtambo, among others, paid heartfelt tributes to Zahara, who died on Monday surrounded by family. She will be buried on December 23 in East London, Eastern Cape.
FAMILY, friends, and colleagues converged on the Rhema Bible Church in Johannesbu­rg yesterday to honour the life of songbird Bulelwa ‘Zahara’ Mkutukana. Judith Sephuma, Ringo Madlingozi, and Brenda Mtambo, among others, paid heartfelt tributes to Zahara, who died on Monday surrounded by family. She will be buried on December 23 in East London, Eastern Cape.

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