Cape Argus

Let us tap into the power of working together


“IT IS NOT possible to tell the story of South Africa’s Struggle without including the significan­ce of the Natal Indian Congress (NIC) and the Transvaal Indian Congress (TIC). Any history that does not include their role will remain fatally flawed.”

These indubitabl­e words were uttered by Mac Maharaj, one of the most prominent veterans of the ANC and former government leaders who attended the NIC’s 130th anniversar­y this past weekend.

Indeed, the NIC and TIC played a pivotal role in the Struggle against apartheid and colonialis­m and shaped South Africa’s past to what it is today. It is important to emphasise that these organisati­ons did so together with others. The power of working together has been demonstrat­ed brilliantl­y on the sporting fields by the unstoppabl­e Springboks with their powerful mantra: stronger together. It was only fitting for former president Kgalema Motlanthe, who delivered the keynote address at the commemorat­ion in Durban, to call for a “collective fight” against the rampant crime and corruption around the country.

The two leaders did a very good job of reminding us of our history, particular­ly the NIC’s pivotal contributi­on. Motlanthe also hit the nail on the head. We need to fight the rampant crime and corruption together.

However, what was deplorably missing in the call were practical ideas as to how each one of us and each organisati­on or community should contribute in this collective fight. There was no clear pathway mapped out as to how we can “revive our country” and rid it of “bad elements”.

The NIC had good plans and formed powerful pacts and partnershi­ps with other organisati­ons. Importantl­y, the organisati­on implemente­d the plans and remained faithful to their commitment­s.

South Africa is not short of good strategies and plans to fight crime and corruption, to create jobs and deal with other enduring challenges. What our country lacks are leaders like Dr Monty Naicker and Dr Yusuf Dadoo who led the NIC and TIC. Where are their current versions when our country needs them so much?

Every generation, as they say, has to find and prosecute its own mission. This generation’s mission is perhaps the fight against crime and corruption. Let’s fight together as a way of honouring the NIC and its great leaders.

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