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Delivering feedback in multigener­ational workplaces

- AVERY MORGAN * Edited from article first published by Fast Company US

PROVIDING feedback is a crucial part of fostering a culture of growth and motivation. However, doing so effectivel­y can be challengin­g – whether it’s critical or positive.

Do you offer your advice via email or face-to-face? Should you say it how it is or mask your criticism with compliment­s? Should you publicly praise someone or give them validation in private? These are all important questions managers should ask when deciding how to give good feedback. And the answers change entirely depending on which generation you are working with.

In the multigener­ational workplace, managers need to tailor their approach to sharing feedback based on the differing expectatio­ns of Gen Z and millennial workers.

Criticism and praise

Gen Zers often get stereotype­d as being unable to take criticism, but that isn’t true at all. They can and will take constructi­ve criticism – as long as it’s delivered in the right way.

Gen Z has grown up having their opinions amplified and validated online. They won’t be afraid to challenge you if they feel feedback is overly critical or take offense to your tone. If you want to make sure they hear your feedback, ensure that your criticism is empathetic.

Millennial­s aren’t impartial to speaking up when criticism comes their way either, but research suggests they may be more receptive if it gives them something useful to work with. For instance, an area they need to improve or a vital skill that will aid their career. “You need to stop doing that” won’t get you anywhere; but “You should stop doing this if you want to achieve that” will deliver better results.

Feedback isn’t just about highlighti­ng the negatives. Both generation­s want praise, too. Praise motivates millennial­s – and Gen Zers will walk away from a job if they don’t get enough of it.

However, while many Gen Zers demand constant praise, millennial­s only want what they feel they’ve earned. They don’t need a pat on the back simply for showing up. They want to know that the effort they’re making to climb the corporate ladder isn’t going unnoticed and what more they can do to reach their ambitious goals. Compliment­ing them undeserved­ly won’t increase their motivation – it will only reduce their trust in you to deliver honest feedback and advice.


Millennial­s prefer to receive frequent feedback from their managers. But don’t expect them to tell you that themselves. Research shows that just 15% of millennial­s strongly agree that they routinely ask for feedback about their work.

On the other hand, Gen Zers will ask for feedback directly. Many older employees may find their need for validation excessive, but the reality is Gen Z grew up in a different world and they’re accustomed to having informatio­n at their fingertips whenever they require it.

One survey found that 65% of Gen Z workers want feedback at least once a week. A few words of encouragem­ent each day might be the difference between a Gen Z employee who spends the day hard at work and one who spends it searching for a new role. One-on-one sessions are ideal for providing this support, where feedback can address both specific tasks and the individual’s overall performanc­e and developmen­t.


While millennial­s like informal guidance and support that focuses on their long-term goals and prospects, Gen Zers prefer a more hands-on approach. In fact, one report found that 79% of Gen Z workers want those above them to show they genuinely care about their developmen­t, both profession­ally and personally.

This is where coaching and mentoring can help. Pair young recruits up with a more senior employee and let the relationsh­ip grow. They’re far more likely to accept advice from someone they’ve already connected with.

Mentorship might also be useful for millennial­s, but only if it genuinely helps their career – otherwise a brief email can often suffice.

Whether you are working with Gen Z or millennial­s, the best thing a manager can do is seek out feedback of their own. It will show younger employees that you value their input, while providing vital informatio­n that helps you tweak your approach and ensure every employee is happy in their role.

 ?? | Freepik ?? To get the best out of their teams, leaders should adjust how they give feedback to Gen Z and millennial employees.
| Freepik To get the best out of their teams, leaders should adjust how they give feedback to Gen Z and millennial employees.

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