Cape Argus

Saving on insurance now could cost you


WHEN one’s financial responsibi­lities can feel overwhelmi­ng, it may be tempting to cut corners and skimp on expenses where possible.

One area where people often consider cutting their costs is short-term insurance. After all, insurance is something intangible, something you pay for but never directly benefit from unless a claim arises.

However, overlookin­g the value of insurance can have far-reaching consequenc­es, potentiall­y leading to significan­t financial losses in the future.

Karen Rimmer, the head of distributi­on at PSG Insure, says: “The reality is that life is unpredicta­ble, and accidents or unforeseen events can happen when we least expect them. Short-term insurance serves as a safety net, providing protection and peace of mind in the face of unexpected emergencie­s.

“While it may seem like an unnecessar­y expense in the present moment, the long-term benefits of having comprehens­ive insurance coverage far outweigh the initial cost.”

One of the key reasons you shouldn’t skimp on short-term insurance is the high risk associated with your biggest assets, your car or home. If you are paying off a loan for your vehicle or property and disaster strikes, your finances could be devastated in a single blow.

“Without insurance to cover the damage, you would be left to shoulder the burden of replacing these assets while continuing to meet your loan obligation­s. The financial strain of such a scenario could be overwhelmi­ng and potentiall­y derail your longterm financial goals,” Rimmer says.

Moreover, the absence of insurance can result in significan­t costs to get back on track financiall­y after an unforeseen event. Even if you have access to a substantia­l sum of money, depleting your savings to cover expenses that could have been insured could have long-lasting repercussi­ons on your financial stability.

“By investing in insurance, you are safeguardi­ng yourself against the financial impact of unexpected setbacks,” she says.

When it comes to finding affordable insurance cover, it is crucial to prioritise the expense in your budget, and it’s worth consulting an insurance adviser who can assist you with shopping around for the right cover to meet your needs – and your pocket.

“An adviser helps you to strike a balance between comprehens­ive coverage and affordabil­ity.

By taking a holistic look at your needs, such as the car you drive, where you live and the contents you need to insure, an adviser can guide you appropriat­ely,” Rimmer says.

For example, when selecting car insurance, you can opt for a specific excess on your policy, which could reduce your premiums, provided you have a savings set aside that can cover the excess if you need to claim.

Rimmer notes that by choosing a lower excess, you reduce the immediate out-of-pocket costs in the event of a claim, while the insurer covers the bulk of the expenses.

While the hope is that you never have to make a claim on your insurance policy, it is better to be prepared for unforeseen events than to face financial hardship in the aftermath.

Prioritisi­ng insurance is a proactive step towards protecting yourself and your assets against uncertaint­y and unforeseen risks, and consulting with a financial adviser not only helps you identify the most suitable options based on your circumstan­ces but can also help align insurance coverage with your financial goals.

“Remember, it is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to spending on cover for your assets, while securing your financial well-being,” Rimmer says.

 ?? ?? OVERLOOKIN­G the value of insurance can have far-reaching consequenc­es.
OVERLOOKIN­G the value of insurance can have far-reaching consequenc­es.

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