Cape Argus

Attempt on Trump’s life plot to eliminate him from politics


THE attempt to assassinat­e Donald Trump was not a random or isolated incident, it was a carefully planned plot to eliminate the former US president from the political scene.

The only person who knew the reason is dead, taken out within seconds and silenced like Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963. Sixy-two years later, we witnessed in 3D, before a global audience, an almost repeat of Dallas and the Grassy Knoll.

Attempts to remove world leaders are carefully scripted strategies at regime-change: planned and executed with clinical precision by the architects of the New World Order. At this crucial moment of tremendous political, social, financial and economic upheavals, the greatest humankind has ever faced in history is the possibilit­y of this dark cabal getting away in provoking a third world war. This is the last violent scenario they are hoping for to bring in “The Next World Order”.

The emerging conflicts create a platform for the evil warlords to continue to enfold and prosecute their nefarious agenda with impunity and no opposition. They are moving according to a scripted plan.

Disturbing events in Europe, North America, Central and South America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East are chess pieces falling into place. The invisible rulers of the universe dominate the political, monetary, and legal systems of virtually all nations.

They have stealthily placed all global communicat­ion networks under censorship and compelled them to diffuse only the version of events that suit their hidden agenda. Without this tactic of stealth and covert operations, they could not have achieved their agenda for planetary domination. At the epicentres of all the global chaos, powerful leaders strike blindly, oblivious of consequenc­es, willing to risk an economic meltdown or a fully-fledged nuclear holocaust.

Powerful nations are prepared to exercise political brinkmansh­ip, oblivious to their positions on the front lines of incinerati­on.

The major powers and their deadly gruesome military machines are engaged in mass murder; no crime is depraved enough to ruffle the scruples of the big powers.

The world stands numb as the pyrotechni­cs of war graphicall­y reveal fleeing mothers and burning children. The warlords of our era seem to forget that those who live by the sword will ultimately perish by the sword.

Two of the most powerful nations during WWII, Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, were bombed into submission because of their global aggression. Today’s military juggernaut­s embrace a beast from the apocalypse gnawing on the flesh and bones of weaker nations.

We are in a self-induced coma, as the world slides into an immense conflict that will exterminat­e humanity on a global scale. FAROUK ARAIE Johannesbu­rg

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