Cape Argus

Give provinces the power to bring back the death penalty


VOTERS must insist that national government devolve most of its authority to provincial and municipal government. The past 30 years makes it obvious why – national government has failed and will continue to fail.

No national department managed to maintain, for a “period of time”, a clean audit. Corruption, wastage and ineptitude suggest it is better for all politician­s and officials to be directly elected by local voters, as is the case in the US. Minimising national government is critical for service delivery.

For 30 years, national Parliament/ government could not stop price hikes on basic goods like bread, milk, petrol, water and electricit­y, etc. Parliament wasted energy on gay and Muslim marriages and many banal issues that few care about. No parliament­ary debate has impacted society while crime and job losses increased without any realistic/ practical solutions from Parliament for 30 years.

Parliament is a talk shop where uneducated MP’s degrade each other. Those who disagree must give 10 practical solutions to current problems that came from any parliament­ary debate. Parliament is not a place of pragmatic planning, as many MPs lack a rudimentar­y education themselves to begin with.

Laws regarding generalise­d justice/sentencing/fines etc must be localised. Example, if the Western Cape wants the death penalty for those who rape and murder kids we must be given that opportunit­y. If Gauteng differs, they can enact their own varied laws. Murderers will know that murder in the Western Cape means the death penalty and killers can then relocate to Gauteng.

Criminals have no respect for fumbling law enforcemen­t, but criminals understand fear. This is what the death penalty creates, fear of genuine justice and death when you rape and murder kids etc.

Why must 50 million people allow 11 judges to decide the safety and security of our nation when they have 24-hour security and taxpayers have almost none? How stupid must we be to ignore the fact that 22 000 people are murdered every year in South Africa? That is 200 000 in the past 10 years.

How many South Africans must be killed before the death penalty is returned to protect innocents?

Why must the majority who accept the divinity of the Torah, Bible and Quran accept the godless fundamenta­list tyranny of secularist­s that have proven their failure after 30 years in governance?


Cape Muslim Congress

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