Cape Argus

Mayhem will follow where there is a total disregard for the rule of law


THROUGHOUT the ages, mankind has realised the importance of regulating all aspects of their lives to ensure accountabi­lity and maintain world peace.

Imagine a society where brief intervals occur where the rule of law is disregarde­d with no enforcemen­t of accountabi­lity. A blind eye is turned to this interval of lawlessnes­s and life continues normally afterwards. What damage would such behaviour do to society?

An example of the above, is where a drug lord is allowed to operate his illegal business for a year, and then uses his drug money to buy property legally. Such practices will not only encourage illegal trade but will also make a mockery of the legitimate practices and businesses of law-abiding citizens.

Can you imagine an illegal business operating in our society where its applicatio­n or trade will harm members of society and then its “profits” are laundered with the full approval of the law?

To make matters worse, once the money is absorbed into social projects, the funders insist on full compliance with the rule of law when involving other contributo­rs. How twisted would that be? Wouldn’t such illegal trades lead to the decay of a society?

Do we not observe the above practices in Israel? Isn’t Israel the only country in the world where property is illegally acquired and developed with the approval of its government for its settler communitie­s? The settlers then arm themselves to the teeth in an attempt to protect their homes built on this land and will not hesitate to kill the former landowners if the settlers are threatened.

Are the alleged illegal practices observed in Israel not reminiscen­t of “no normal sport in an abnormal society?” the slogan of the South African Council on Sport (Sacos), the sports wing of the anti-apartheid liberation movement. And the root cause of the conflict in Gaza that has plagued the Palestinia­ns for the past 76 years?

You be the judge.


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