Cape Argus

Over 1 000 youths ‘go beyond’ to shape meaningful futures


MORE than 1 000 young people have completed the 2024 GoBeyond Conference, equipped with meaningful work experience and a pathway to further their studies.

The conference, hosted by the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport’s YearBeyond programme, facilitate­d the upskilling of youths aged 18-25.

It was held over three days at the University of the Western Cape and featured seminars, workshops and creative seminars organised by the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport in partnershi­p with the National Youth Developmen­t Agency, other donors, and civil society organisati­ons.

According to the department, the activities hosted at the conference are designed to equip attendees with life skills, invoke profession­alism and emotional intelligen­ce and inspire a sense of community service.

Speaking to the YeBoneers at the graduation ceremony at the weekend, Cultural Affairs and Sport MEC Ricardo Mackenzie said: “YearBeyond recognises the immense potential within young people and, with the proper support, aims to enable dreams and unlock tenacity, fostering the next generation of leaders.

“As you go back to your communitie­s, make the connection­s that you’ve built here and use them to develop yourself and your community. Thank you for showing up, which is the first step to success.

“The journey does not end here. We are committed to being a resource and a support system for you as you Go Beyond, Shape Your Future, and make a difference,” Mackenzie said.

Over 70 speakers and contributo­rs from diverse fields were invited to the conference to provide essential support and inspiratio­n.

Special guests at the conference included Musa Mota, an internatio­nally renowned dancer, Chaeli Mycroft, the first female quadripleg­ic to summit Mount Kilimanjar­o, and Thabani Mtsi, a motivation­al TED Talk speaker.

Aspiring mentor Justin Sauls said: “Seeing the developmen­t of the conference and how it has grown, after attending as a YeBoneer, then support team and now as a mentor in training, it is so awesome.”

Another YeBoneer Samkelisiw­e Nkuzo shared how she enjoyed her conference experience and was grateful to the programme for connecting her with mentors and opportunit­ies that will enrich her life moving forward.

Former YeBoneer Ronique Wilson shared how the YearBeyond programme transforme­d her life.

“Growing up in Manenberg without parents, I faced a bleak future. I applied for the YearBeyond programme and was rejected the first time. However, that didn’t stop me and I applied again until I was accepted. My perseveran­ce ignited a passion for education, and I secured a bursary to further my studies after completing the programme,” Wilson said.

 ?? ?? CULTURAL Affairs and Sport MEC Ricardo Mackenzie with the 2024 GoBeyond Conference cohort.
CULTURAL Affairs and Sport MEC Ricardo Mackenzie with the 2024 GoBeyond Conference cohort.

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