Cape Argus

What does Hlophe decision say about SA politics?


THE uMkhonto weSizwe Party’s Dr John Hlophe became the talk of the town this week following his ascension to Parliament’s Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The JSC, which consists of 23 members drawn from various structures of government and the legal community, recommends a candidate to the president, who ultimately appoints a judge.

After 16 years, Hlophe lost a bitter legal battle and was found guilty of gross misconduct by the JSC and subsequent­ly impeached by Parliament on its recommenda­tion. His impeachmen­t as a judge was finalised four months ago.

In 2008, Hlophe was accused of trying to sway the Constituti­onal Court’s ruling regarding the Scorpions’ search and seizure operations on the assets of French arms manufactur­er Thint and Jacob Zuma.

Now Hlophe sits on the commission that advocated for his impeachmen­t.

The DA, Freedom Front Plus, and ACDP have objected and other parties including Bosa and ActionSA called for the election of candidates who were fit for the purpose. NGOs also wrote to Speaker Thoko Didiza, urging Parliament not to designate Hlophe a member of the JSC.

Judges Matter said: “It is a cruel irony that aspirant judicial officers will be assessed on their ethics, integrity, and fitness for judicial office by commission­ers who themselves have been found guilty of misconduct.”

Freedom Under Law said: “It is also hard to reconcile the contradict­ory position of political parties which voted for Dr Hlophe to be removed from judicial office but now voted in favour of his appointmen­t to the JSC.”

MKP Chief Whip Sihle Ngubane said Hlophe’s legal qualificat­ion and judicial experience made him a sure fit for the JSC.

“The MKP has done huge justice to the House to bring a Cambridge graduate with a PhD in law to come to the House and assist to make laws of this country,” Ngubane added.

ANC chief whip Mdumiseni Ntuli said the chief whips forum agreed that parties be permitted to second their candidates.

A few months ago, no one could guess that Hlophe would make a strong comeback as a member of Parliament on the MKP’s ticket and also become his party’s representa­tive in the JSC.

Does this mean politics is a ticket to powerful positions?

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