Cape Argus

Frank van der Horst a devastatin­g loss


THE death of Frank van der Horst has gripped many of us with a deep embrace of shock.

As we grieve, we thank Almighty God for the memorable years that he gave to this beloved purveyor of justice and humility. His death gives us cause to ponder how he touched our lives. His commitment to social justice and reconcilia­tion, to human rights and the dignity of the human person will be gratefully remembered.

The sporting world pays tribute to his immense and unique contributi­on to peace and justice and his emphasis on the dignity and worth of every individual from conception to the grave. His courage in denouncing discrimina­tion and his relentless fight against racism over the past 60 years will be remembered by many generation­s to come.

We are devastated to lose our national symbol of truth, love and hope. Few individual­s have had a greater impact, not just in the sporting arena, but socially and morally, on our political landscape as did Frank. He is by any measure one of the most celebrated and inspiring leaders in our nation. He fearlessly condemned racism and totalitari­anism as he fought for peace and justice with equal vigour. During the span of his extraordin­ary life, he fought hard for a just world.

Beloved Frank was a rare breed, a passionate human rights defender who took on the mighty, the corrupt, the powerful and the defiant in his crusade for total equality.

His message to the whole of humanity was that our wounded world was yearning for peace. He was absolutely fair to both victims and to the architects who participat­ed in crimes against humanity. He exposed the monstrosit­y of racism and oppression in graphic 3D.

May our Lord grant Frank van der Horst a lofty place in Heaven.


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