Cape Argus

Lifecare director arrested for R32m fraud


THE Directorat­e for Priority Crimes Investigat­ion (Hawks) have made a breakthrou­gh in the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health’s R32 million fraud case by arresting a third person.

Nandi Msimang, 52, the director of Mzansi Lifecare was arrested in Sandton in Gauteng. A warrant was issued in May 2023, KZN Hawks spokespers­on Simphiwe Mhlongo said.

He said Msimang was arrested by Hawks members of the Tactical Operations Management Section and transporte­d to KwaZulu-Natal.

Msimang made her first appearance in the Durban Specialise­d Commercial Crime Court on Monday.

“She was remanded in custody and the case was postponed to July 17, for a bail applicatio­n,” Mhlongo said.

In May last year, in the same case, former KZN Department of Health HOD Sibongile Zungu, 60, and Sifiso Mtshali, 53, were arrested on charges of fraud and contravent­ion of Public Finance Management Act.

“It is alleged that in 2013, the KZN Department of Health awarded a 36-month lease to Mzansi Lifecare for the hiring of a mobile clinic. The contract was further extended without following supply chain management process,” Mhlongo said.

“In 2016, the department awarded Mzansi Lifecare a contract for the outright purchase of four mobile clinics to the value of R32m without following any supply chain management process. The vehicles were registered under Mzansi Lifecare instead of the department.

“It is alleged that Msimang fraudulent­ly removed the four mobile clinics and sold them, and as a result the department suffered a loss of R32m.”

A case of fraud was reported at Pietermari­tzburg police station and allocated to the Hawks.

Zungu and Mtshali are out on a warning. They are expected in court on October 21 for trial.

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